Chapter Twelve - Slippery Snivellus.

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Class was quickly dismissed after the whole book disaster with Severus and so I huffed out of the room, wearing a deep frown.

I heard footsteps patter quickly behind me and I was already preparing to express my desire to stay away from Sirius and all his friends- Including Remus. 

I knew that Remus had been lovely to come and comfort me that night and all I saw were nothing but good intentions, but for my own peace of mind and stress levels I had to stay away from him- it was for the best. 

If I stuck around Remus, that meant I stuck around Sirius and honestly, I feel like I'm only going to find a place for me at Hogwarts if I make it on my own...make new friends who I don't have to create a peace contract with to start a friendship, or no friends at all. 

Also for Remus' sake, he seemed like a really decent guy and I didn't want to put him through all the drama between me and my family feud, it just wasn't worth it.

Much to my surprise I turned around to see Snape about to tap on my shoulder.

"Oh" I sounded surprised "I thought you were someone else" I shook my head and began walking again. He caught up by my side.

"I realise I was snappy with you in class-" he sounded, clearing his throat beside me "I apologise, I figured because you've been hanging around them-" He sneered, talking about the boys I had planned to ditch "you had something to do with it- I mean to say I didn't realise you were helping me at first so, thank you" He hid an awkward smile that didn't fit comfortably on his face.

I was surprised by his apology and just nodded my head at him in a sort of you're welcome motion. He didn't leave my side as we walked over to the great hall.

"I'm just here to see if I have any mail" I mumbled "I'm not eating here" I said to him as I realised he was following me around like a lost puppy. He slightly pouted.

"I doubt you'll have mail, didn't you receive some yesterday?" He asked honestly and I stopped in my tracks, just entering the hall.

"oh yeah...of course- silly of me" I rushed feeling embarrassed over the fact that from the Slytherin table people could see the scene that I had caused. It's as if he read my mind when he spoke up.

"Thankfully not many people were paying attention to your anger- there were other things occupying the Slytherin table" He said dully "You haven't opened it, have you?" he cocked one eyebrow up at me.

The picture of the unopened letter, beside my bed, flashed in my mind and my heart began to thumb heavier.

"I have a pretty good idea what it may say" I trailed as I started heading towards a dining table.

"I thought you weren't eating?" he questioned, dropping the topic of the letter. The sad cloud from my mind cleared and was replaced with realisation that I was having an honest conversation with Severus Snape.

"Oh yeah, zoned out for a bit- I've got to go, see you around" I smiled cautiously and started walking out of the great hall.

Before I could quickly escape the Hall, I could see Remus and Co. heading towards me like a pack of wolves and I panicked not knowing which way to go (still not knowing my way fully around the castle yet). 

Snape caught up once again and I could see in front of me the boys tensing at his presence beside mine.

"What do you say to the idea of me showing you the great lake?" He croaked, seeming slightly nervous. I was taken back and a little flustered because of my panicked situation.

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