Chapter EightyThree- Tall.

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The rain had finally, completely cleared up. All the evidence left behind was a slight dampness in Sonny's bedroom carpet from the leak.

"Dorcas is gonna be so disappointed. This carpet is new." He said attempting to dry it with a spell but it was being stubborn.

"I'm sure she'll understand, you can't control the weather or a leak." I sighed. Simply watching him attempt not to set the carpet on fire by trying too hard.

"Let's just pray to merlin that it dries before she gets back." He sighed, finally getting up from the floor and stepping away.

We walked out of his room and he opened up a small utility cupboard.

"Thanks for your towels by the way." He said, handing them back to me freshly washed and dried.

I helped out around his flat, making sure it was girl approved for when Dorcas came back from visiting her grandparents.

"Sirius enjoyed seeing you last night." He spoke up again after grabbing us both a glass of water.

"I enjoyed seeing him! It was just so relaxed!" I smiled, enjoying how Sirius' acceptance towards me obviously wasn't a facade.

"And I'm sure Remus enjoyed the the night too. As he strolled in after breakfast this morning?" He said but threw his hands up in the air and to his ears as I began to laugh.
"Don't wanna hear anything about it."

I rolled my eyes playfully and set my glass of water down on his kitchen counter.

"What does he usually do on a Sunday night?" I asked. Curious about if I was gonna be thrown into another social situation.

"Nothing I don't think. Though if they do, the pub. I'm often invited but I'm more of a house party guy. Can't take your shoes off at the pub." He said.

"I could." I replied.

"Doesn't mean you should."

"Yeah, you're right." I agreed.

I helped Sonny with a few more chores, having nothing to do myself all day. He also cooked us both dinner to, since we were both eating alone tonight and so I didn't mind helping him clean.

I wandered back to my flat to change out of a T-shirt that smelt of cleaning products and into a casual summer dress, ready for seven which was only half an hour away.

Remus didn't tell me what we were doing so I just went nice but casual. I had a sneaky suspicion however that I was going to be reintroduced to some of the old group. Nothing he said gave it away but if his routine was anything to go by, my gut was right.

...and I didn't know how I particularly felt about it.

I had no hard feelings against James, Peter or Frank. If anything, I'd be happy to see James again. I remember how he was kind to me before I left.

There was something anxiety provoking about the idea of seeing Lily, Marlene and Alice again though and I couldn't quite put my finger on why.

I was never properly integrated into their group, which often seemed like a subgroup to the whole gang. There were moments that made me feel excluded and upon reflection I was probably very difficult to integrate into anything socially orientated. Truthfully, I was intimidated by them. Not because they were mean girls but because they were teenage girls. Often harder to understand than boys. More rules to abide by. Having to navigate teenage friendships with girls is daunting, especially if you're new. Especially considering they had all shared a dorm since first year together and then there was me. Not turning up to quidditch house games, not eating with them all the time, not studying with them. I wasn't glued  and instantly attached to them and I think that must have been odd. They were well liked and I didn't know who I liked.

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