Chapter 117- The Dinner Date.

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One week after

A knock at my door sounded and I excitedly ran to open it.

"Meals on wheels, my lady." Remus was greeted, holding up a big shopping bag of ingredients.

Our cooking date was finally here.

"Ah, my personal chef! Come in!" I said in a dramatically posh English accent.

We laughed our way into the kitchen and Remus began to start unpacking the shopping bag.

"So we have two options: fajitas or stir fry?" Remus had the ingredients in two different piles.

"Fajitas! They sounded fun when you explained them to me." I responded.

"They never disappointed to be fair." He said looking at me with approval.

The sizzling of the chicken in the pan and the spicy aromas began to fill up my flat, as Remus danced and sung to the radio in the corner of the kitchen. Stirring around the contents of the pan as he swayed to a Muggle song I didn't recognise. I smiled big in his direction, as I lifted myself up from the surface I had just wiped down and cleared from where I had chopped the peppers and chorizo slices that Remus began to add to the pan.

I had never felt more in love with someone before. Love wasn't even a word in my vocabulary. Not a word that I understood the true meaning of, always used flippantly.

Remus was the definition of the word love.

The way he approached life with kindness, joy and warmth, regardless of whatever pain he's been forced through. He saw rays of hope in every interaction. He wasn't an optimistic, he was a realist. However, he was observant of all the good real things in the world. Which I adored. He had a vision most people didn't. A clarity. A love for life, that allows him to prevail past dark moments.

"Why' you looking at me like that?" He glanced over with a smirk.

"Just enjoying the view." I replied.

"Like a man who cooks, huh?" He said cheekily, dancing a little more aggressively. Making me laugh loud.
"Chicken is cooked! Want to prepare the table and grab the tortillas?" He asked.

I jumped off the counter top and gave him a little salute, which made him snort and shake his head with a smile.

We arranged the meal on my tiny two seater table and excitedly sat down, eyeing up the food like we hadn't eaten in days.

"So you grab the tortilla wrap, add a spoonful of this, maybe some of that and some cheese and," he constructed the perfectly folded fajita and handed it over to me.

"That's good!" I said with a full mouth, covering it with my hand and eyes growing wide.

"Right?!" Remus seemed satisfied and started making his own.

We polished off our plates and left them messily on the table, slumping over to the sofa and crashing down next to each other.

"I don't think I'll be able to eat anything ever again!" I said with a big full sounding sigh.

"I feel pregnant." Remus said, puffing out his food baby.

"But babe? We used protection?" I joked and we both fell into a fit of laughter.

"Mistakes happen." He laughed back.

"You're gonna be such a good Dad!" I said jokingly, though his laughter stopped. His smile remained on his face though.

"Do you want kids one day? Like do you see them in your future?" He asked genuinely.

Truthfully, I didn't. Which I knew wasn't expected from a girl my age. We all have dreams to get married and start a family, right? I didn't want to. I didn't want to add another generation of children with my legacy, my DNA. The Black family needed to fizzle out, eventually.

"Uhhh, maybe?" I said shrugging, trying not to be super disappointing if Remus was about to romanticise something I didn't particularly care for.

"I don't think I'd be a good Dad. I can't picture it." He said honestly.

"I can't picture being a Mother." I related.

"We'll get a dog or something." Remus smiled.

"As long as you're not talking about Sirius." I joked, lifting the mood from serious to playful again.

"Where else is he meant to go? We'll build him a shed he can live in and we'll have a guard dog sign on our gate." Remus giggled like a little boy.

"Can't wait." I laughed back.

"Yanno, I don't think I'd be a good Dad but," He said, starting to adjust himself to comfortably look into my eyes as we cuddled on the sofa.
"I think I'd be a good boyfriend."

I smiled at him, my eyes shining at the sentence. I nodded agreeing.

"have you ever wanted to be someone's girlfriend?" He asked.

My heart began to thump in my chest with a warm excitement, as the tension began to build. I nodded agreeing, again. My smile growing larger.

"Do you want to be mine?" Remus asked, his eyes glistening and searching into mine that screamed one thousand times, yes.

I nodded excitedly. Leaning in with immediate happy energy and kissing all over his beautiful face.

"Yes. Yes. Yes." I said between each kiss. Climbing on top of him, hugging him closely.

"Artemis Ophelia Black, my girlfriend." He said out loud to himself.

"Remus John Lupin, my boyfriend." I giggled back mimicking him.
"I love you." I added.

"I love you." He repeated, pulling me back down into a kiss.

After a while we eventually fell into a happy food coma on the sofa. Smiling as we slept.

Until there was a manic, loud string of knocks on the door waking us up with a jolt of shock.

I almost fell off of Remus, who I had been led on top of asleep, but his arms tightened around me so I wouldn't fall.

"What the fuck?" He mumbled lifting us both off of the sofa.
"I'll answer it." He said cautiously. The knocks only growing faster and more aggressive.

I hesitated behind him, cowering with anxiety as we slowly approached the front door.

Remus extended an arm out behind him to push me further away from him, as his other hand started to unlock the door.

He opened it with as much aggression, an attempt to intimate with his height and speed.

"Sirius?" Remus said confused.

"Narcissa?" I said equally as confused. Now sliding next to Remus and not lingering behind.

Narcissa and Sirius looked momentarily at each other. A concerned look, a look of fear and disappointment.

They would only be together for one reason, and one reason only.


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