Chapter ThirtyThree- Lily's Realisation.

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*took me a while to write I know sorry. I've been busy but I'm so glad you're all loving it!*

Today was Halloween, because of this we were given a half day of lessons. Which many students were thrilled about (especially when it came to being allowed to lightly dress up once lessons were finished).

Dramatic fake cobwebs were laced between the handrails of the moving stairs. Carved Pumpkins were placed on top of every candle in the corridors and classrooms, and the school ghosts thrived in an environment where they were allowed to scare and show off their ghoulish behaviour.

"Psst" I suddenly heard from over my shoulder. I checked to see if Professor McGonagall wasn't looking and turned discreetly in my chair.

James was grinning at me and trying to hand over a piece of parchment. I reluctantly took it, worried I was going to be caught.

It read (with poorly doodled spiders crawling around the page with an enchantment):
Have you decided what your going to be tonite?

I turned around and shook my head gently 'no' and started scribbling back explaining Lily was letting me look through her things a little later.

He looked as excitable as a child on his birthday. Grinning over at the boys any second they made eye contact and doing a little excited shoulder shrug.

I dread to imagine how enthusiastic he gets over Christmas. I see how excitable others get around Christmas shopping season. His poor parents must be exhausted by the end of the day.

With a stern lecture from Professor McGonagall on how celebratory behaviour shouldn't get out of hand  (keeping her eyes specifically on James and Sirius), we were allowed to leave.

With lessons quickly over, everyone scrambled out of their chairs to celebrate and enjoy the Halloween spirit.

"Are you and Sirius doing a costume theme? Like couple costumes?" Lily spoke up to Marlene, as we started walking out to the courtyards.

After their kiss, a couple of weeks ago, they've been supposedly dating. Though quite secretively.

Sneaking off together and being oddly short with any well intentioned questions. Though I'm not one to really know how couples are meant to act, they didn't seem any different from before...just going off on dates that they'd never tell anyone about. They acted nothing similar to Alice and Frank.

Even my own parents, who's blood ran icy cold, always kept an arm on each other when close and a gesture of adoration here and there. Elusive but a sign that there was a different relationship between them than anyone else who wandered the halls of the house.

Lily so obviously was beginning to get frustrated with her best friends secrecy and her tact with subtlety when asking her questions was starting to be thrown out the window.

"We're not matching outfits, Lily. That's disgustingly cliche." Marlene rolled her eyes and pulling a grim face. Though Lily's expression brightened as she let out a squeal.

"So you admit it then? You're both a couple? A couple that doesn't do matching costumes but a couple nonetheless?" She breathed out quickly; almost mimicking a similar amount of excitement as James bouncing in his chair waiting for lessons to finish a short while ago.

Marlene hesitated and briefly linked eyes with Sirius who was walking slightly ahead and discreetly listening in on the conversation. He gave a firm one nod.

"Yes, we're...a thing" she struggled to say. Probably with embarrassment due to her red headed friend clinging to her arm with pride.

"Oh how exciting, that only leaves you and I left Arty!" She gave a cheeky wink in my direction and linked arms with Marlene and Alice (both with boyfriends now). My eyebrows instinctively shot up with amusement over the idea that she thought I could get a boyfriend.

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