Announcement (new fic)

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Hello, my beautiful readers! Do not panic, I'm not taking another break for the foreseeable future. I've actually fallen back in love with writing fanfiction, and you guys have helped me get there.

I could write on and on, I could go up to 300 chapters for this story...but I have an ending in sight. There will be at least another twenty chapters minimum left though, so it won't be next week that this'll come to an end.

But because it eventually will...I have another story for you guys in the works. Drafts are being created and characters formed.

If you enjoy my writing, I'd love for you to click onto my profile and add it to your reading lists so that you can see when I begin to start publishing.

Head on over to my profile to get a full synopsis and character introduction.

However if you're interested in the Black Family and reading more of my interpretation of Regulus, and enjoy a sprinkling of a love triangle...I feel you'll enjoy FALLEN FROM GRACE.

Thank you so much guys, I admire you all and I'll get back to working on my BLACK MOON drafts.

Have a good week xoxo

Have a good week xoxo

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