Chapter ThirtySix - Magic Is Magic.

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The game continued like nothing had happened; Luckily, as I was glad no one could feel or now cared to notice how my palms were damp with sweat and how my lips tingled with rushing blood flow. My heart was thumping against my chest and I could only hope that I was coming across completely calm. I felt terrified.

James was frowning at me, not paying attention to the game that continued, after Arty abruptly left without explanation. I'd leave to if I was a newbie to the game, especially after witnessing what everyone was being dared to do. I wasn't surprised, she was probably worried she'd have to lock lips with someone too. It's been a reoccurring theme and Jax was relentless when it came to sticking by the rules.

I mouthed a small "what?" at James who was widening his eyes in a cold glare, every time I tried to ignore his gaze. I felt irritated by his stares, why wasn't he ignoring what just happened like everyone else? I needed him to, for my own sanity.

"Go find her." He whispered in my ear. We were now sat next to each other because of the empty space Arty had left.

"Why?" I asked and he looked at me sternly, much like how your Mum looks at you when you've forgotten to take the food out from the freezer like she had asked. He was disappointed in me.

Disappointed and obviously ready to fight me on how aloof I was probably acting. Hopefully acting that is, I didn't want people to sense my fear.

I sighed and pulled myself up from the floor before he could get the chance to; knowing he's stubborn enough to ignore all reason until he gets his own way.

"Sorry guys, I can't hold in this chilli punch anymore" I fake laughed and excused myself.

"Yeah me neither! Really gotta piss!" James said bluntly, making Lily grimace and joined me by standing and shoving us through the crowd and out of the portrait hole.

"What was that all about?" I said defensively.

"No, what was THAT all about, Remus?" James dramatically motioned towards the portrait hole and back into the room. The fat lady listening in to our conversation.

"It was just a dare." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm not on about the fucking dare...well kind of." He sighed and ran his hand through his curly black hair.

"Not appropriate language, boys" The fat lady sung.

"This isn't a conversation you're involved in!" James hissed at her.

"Drama, drama. First the crying girl and now you two. Raging hormones." She laughed.

My head snapped towards her. I understood why James had pulled me out, if the crying girl was who I thought it was. I had let my internal confusion just cloud all sense I have.

"Who was crying?" I asked.

"Lady Sirius. Uncontrollable tears. Wouldn't listen to a word I had to say." she rolled her eyes thinking about it.

"Lady Sirius?" Both James and I repeated. We looked at each other knowing the fat lady meant none other than Artemis Black.

"Where did she go?" James said protectively. I knew he was about to hunt her down, I didn't want to follow him. The fat lady pointed up one of the staircases. Small and winding.

James began marching up them without any hesitation. I stayed put, glued and frozen in my spot. Feeling sick with nerves, my head wasn't in the right place right now to console someone else and Merlin knows what she was weeping over.

"Oh no Moony, you're coming with me. We're fixing this, just like you had insisted that day at hogsmead. We're not ignoring her, not this time." He shot his eyebrows up at me.

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