Prologue: Watch what you say

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Sarah was in a hurry. Not only was it a Monday, but she was late for school.

She cursed mentally as she struggled to both tie her shoes, eat her toast, and hobble her way down the stairs of her home at the same time.

Of course she had a reason to be so late, she stayed up with her friends to chat about the last chapter of their favorite novel; Who made me a princess!

Unlike the most of the fan base, her favorite character was not the lovable Princes Athanasia, but a character most hated; Jennette. It was the reason she stayed up so long in the first place, she had to defend her from all angles every time a new chapter released!

When she was done tying her shoe laces, she quickly ran out of her house and through the streets to get to the train station so she wouldn't be late to school.

'All of them don't even know what they're talking about' Sarah huffed angrily. 'Jennette isn't annoying, shes a sweetheart who deserves a happy ending!' No matter what her friends would say, even if Athanasia, Claude, Lucas, or anyone else died, as long as Sarah got to see her dear Jenny live on happily it was a victory in her books.

......Which is why she had a bone to pick with the author of "The Lovely Princess." What on earth! What do you mean after the book ended Claude dies due to Jennette's black magic? What you you mean Ijekiel always loved Athanasia and not Jennette? What do you mean she never got her happy ending!?

It was just plain ridiculous.

Unknown to Sarah, due to her inner fuming she had already arrived to the train station. She was forced to stop her inner monologue and face society. She let out a pained sigh and resigned her self to impatiently waiting for the next train to arrive in the waiting area

As she waited, Sarah began to scroll through social media, checking the time every few minutes. Where she lived, "Who made ma a Princess" would update weekly every Monday when the clock stroke 12:00am.

'I might have a bone to pick with the author this time too...' Sarah thought warily. 'Not only are they late, but as the novel's nearing the end, thing aren't looking so good for Jennette.' I mean, how hard was it to just keep Claude as her father and not that psycho Anastacius? It would have been so much better if Jennette was accepted like in "The Lovely Princess" and lived along with Athanasia in the Emerald palace!

'I mean, if I were the author, the novel certainty wouldn't have ended like this....'

Somewhere, perhaps in another world, a being heard her

"So you think you can do better, Mortal?"

Time seemed to freeze, and so did Sarah. What was this? Was she going crazy?

Nervously, she gulped, and glanced around warily. "Do I think I can do better?" She repeated to herself. Was the voice talking about how the author handled the character Jennette. In that case... "Well, I suppose so." She said, mock confidently.

"In that case.....put your money where you mouth is!"

There was a blinding flash of light, and suddenly Sarah was in front of what had to be the biggest tree in the world. It looked strikingly similar to the 'world tree' the novel spoke of. The words of the being still rung inside her head. Her her money where her mouth was.

The teenage girl gulped nervously, but she supposed there was no going back now. Sarah closed her eyes, and took a brave step forward, reaching out a hand and placing her palm to the crystal like bark of the tree.

As soon as she came into contact with the otherworldly object, there was another bright flash of light.

And then there was nothing.

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