Chapter 15: Enemy

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"...Are you avoiding me?"


Even if Athanasia was, it wouldn't change anything. Building a relationship with Claude was what she really needed, getting along with Athanasia would just be an added bonus.

Still, with the prying eyes of palace maids, the brown haired princess pretended to be hurt, placing her hand over heard and drawing the maids in with her mana.

A panicked glint flashed in Athanasia's eyes. "Haha! W-what are you talking about, Jennette? Of course i'm not.."

Yeah, very suspicious.

"Oh really?" Jennette pretended to sigh in relief. "That's a relief. Don't be so tense! You can call me Jenny if you'd like. I know my name is somewhat of a tongue twister." She said cheerfully. To be honest, Jennette was truly trying to gain permission to call the girl by her nickname so they would seem close.

.."if that's the case, you can call me Athy..." Athanasia said after a moment.

Jennette smirked. "Say, your head maid claimed that you were quite busy yesterday too. What could occupying your time two days in a row?" If her sister was truthful and said she was with Claude, it would sound like she was gloating.

The blonde haired girl gritted her teeth. "Perhaps I can squeeze some time in for you...Jenny." She paused at the last word/ "Should we go on a boat ride? Just the two of us? There's so much to discuss."

Jennette blinked in surprise, not expecting this. "Very well then." She said warily. She made sure to stay a few steps behind her as she led the pair further in further into the imperial palace.

"Why are you doing this to me.."

Lost in thought, Jennette was snapped back into reality. "What?" Maybe it was at this moment she notices that the maids and servant were long gone.

Athanasia whirled around, a nasty expression of her face "Just what do you think you're doing?" She hissed venomously. "Do you think that it'll be the same as last time? Do you think that you can steal his love from me?"

Jennette blinked. "Huh? Who?" Was the Athanasia of this world crazy?

"Father!" She practicality screamed. "You did this last time too! You're the reason I died!"

Realization struck Jennette like a truck. She was talking about her last life! But that wouldn't ake sense, the original Athansia died........but her hatred was true. "So you came back as well?" She asked, a dangerous feeling curling in her gut. If that were true, then she had the last 14 years to plant ideas in Claude's head.

Jennette threw her head back, a mocking laugh escaping her. "Are you serious!?"

Athanasia clenched her teeth. "Deadly." She responded. "If you think you'll ever get an once of Claude's love, you're wrong. As long as I live, i'll make sure that he never even spares you a second glance!"

Jennette smiled, but there was no joy in her eyes. Oh, far from it. "Oh Athanasia."She purred. She took a step closer. "I don't think you know who you're dealing with. I don't care what I have to do or who I have to hurt. I will make Claude love me. And if I have to fight dirty, then so be it." Her mana began to escape in dangerous waves.

"It's such a shame, we could have been the best of friends. But because of you, we'll be left to wonder what could have been. You'll find in due time...."

"...that that regret making an enemy of me."

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