Chapter 19: Our Secret

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"If you can spare me some time...

...i'd like to speak to you for a moment."


Felix looked rather shocked for a moment, but to his credit, the red haired knight quickly composed himself.

Even if he wanted to, Felix couldn't refuse Jennette's request, so he smiled. "Of course, princess." He complied.

Jennette's smile grew wider. 'Perfect' she thought. Jennette led the pair a ways away fron the other knights in the training ground, asuring that their conversation wouldn't be heard.

Sir Felix seemed to be uncomfortable under Jennette's analyzing state, but that was the least of her worries. The brunette's blank expression suddenly turned into a dazzling, confident smile. "I'm so pleased to finally meet you, sir knight!" She beamed. "I saw you at Athy's debut, but it was a bit nerve racking so I never approached you..." She continued, ducking her head bashfully.

From beneath brown fringe, jewled eyes watched to see what Felix's reaction would be. The red haired knight seemed to be flustered, confused, but over all completely unaware of Jeanette and Athanasia's previous spat.

Felix rubbed the back of his head, holding up his other palm to appear harmless. "I suppose my reputation is a bit...." He paused, seemingly unable to find the right words to continue with.

Jeanette nodded empathetically. "I completely understand." She said empathetically. "Compared to His majesty and Princess Athanasia, you are much more approachable." The princess paused. "Actually....I've only had one interaction with each of them." Her expression turned downcast. "I suppose they don't like me..."

Felix appeared to have sympathy for her, judging by how his expression softened. "I can assure you that's not the case!" The red haired knight defended passionately. Wether he was defending Jeanette or affronted on Athanasia's behalf was still uncertain.

Jennette clicked her teeth, so quiet it was completely inaudible to the older man. "There's no need to lie." She snapped surprising herself.

Felix flinched.

The brunette blinked.

'I'm letting someone irrelevant affect my emotions.' She realized, before taking a long, deep breath. She put her mask back on. Her goal was to use Felix to get closer to the emperor. That's all.

The brunette princess sighed. "My apologies." She conceded, drooping slightly. "I- it's just..." She paused, searching for the right words to get was she truly wanted. "Father and Athanasia just seem so....close. I was so nervous during the banquet but Uncle assured me t-that-..."Jennette forced tears to well up in her eyes, choking on her words. "-that he would love me too.."

Felix stood there, stunned at the girls sudden confession. "His majesty surely cares for you, Princess Jennette." He assured, remembering how favorably Claude reacted when Jennette personally made him soup.

Jennette's brows furrowed. "How can you be so sure?" She questioned, her tone unconvinced. "I hear from maids that Father and Athy have tea every day! They have dinner every week! Yet I've seen him once!" More tears welled, but these ones were real. Not out of sadness, though; of course not! These were out of anger and frustration.

The princess gritted her teeth. "Is it too much to ask for the same?" She asked desperately. "If father can make time for my sister, can't he do the same for me?" She finished quietly, looking at the grass beneath them. "Is there a point in the day where I can see him?" She asked. "If anyone knows it's you. No one has to know who I heard it from."

Felix looked obviously conflicted. It was against every knightly code for him to disclose the emperor's personal schedule. For several moments Jennette had thought she failed before, finally, the stone wall of a man seemed to crumble. "Once a week...." He began. Jennette's head snapped up. "Once a week his majesty has a private tea session by himself...." He said finally.

Jennette's jeweled eyes instantly brightened. "Really?!" She exclaimed happily. "Where? What day?" The princess asked eagerly.

Felix's took on a thoughtful expression. "Tomorrow, around noon I believe. It should be on the gazebo." The red haired man supplied.

Jennette couldn't believe her luck. This was perfect. "Felix you are a gift from the heavens!" She immediately gushed. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I won't tell anyone about today, promise!" She held out her pinky

Felix smiled, humoring her. "Alright." he agreed, interlocking his pinky finger with hers.

The princess shot him a blinking grin. "That settles it!"

"This will be our little secret."

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