Chapter 13: Disappointment

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'It's only a matter of time before I get what I deserve~'


The feeling of victory was still fresh in Jennette's system, so she decided to make the most of the moment.

"The day is still young, shall I go request tea time with father?" She asked aloud. Currently, Jennette was lounging in the sitting room of the ruby palace. with Rose, Mary, and Laura waiting attentively by her side. She was pleased to note that they were quickly becoming faithful underlings.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Princess." Mary said encouraging.

At the maid's agreement, Jennette smiled. The brunette stood, and began making her way through the Ruby palace and out of the front door.

The sun was shining, and there were little to no clouds in the sky. Many people stopped to catch a glance at the mysterious new princess, but none dared to approach or question what she was doing. By this time, nearly the whole country had heard of the appearance of another princess.

As the princess walked through the imperial palace, she let her jeweled eyes wander. 'I need to explore as much as I can so I can familiarize myself.' She told herself.

When she arrived to Garnet palace, there were no guards at the entrance. The palace itself was surprisingly simple, save for the very obvious golden statues with teeth marks on them. Taking note of it, Jennette giggled to herself, thinking of a little Athanasia biting the gold to see if it was real. Instantly, her mood improved.

The group consisting of princess and maids traversed a bit further into the palace, before jeweled eyes finally spotted a bit of life. There were a few maids, holding buckets and dusters. Jennette counted herself lucky, as the novel stated that cleaning maids only ever came once a week.

The princess but on her best smile before she bounded up to them, causing them to look up in surprise at the suddenly visitor. "P-princess!" They gasped.

"Hello there!" Jennette greeted. She clasped her hands. "I'm terribly sorry to intrude on your work, but if either of you could point me in the direction of the emperor, it would be greatly appreciate." She asked, her eyes shining with hope.

The pair of maids exchanged glances with each other, unsure expressions donning their faces. After a few moments of silence, one maid spoke up. "I'm terribly sorry, but I believe you just missed him. His majesty just recently left, so his exactly location is unknown to us."

Jennette frowned. "Is that so...." She muttered. Where could he be? Claude was a dedicated worker, so he rarely took any breaks...

Rose shifted uncomfortably. "Perhaps if his majesty is absent, her highness could visit Princess Athanasia instead?" She suggested sheepishly.

Still slightly disgruntled, Jennette nodded stiffly. If she couldn't see Claude, Athanasia was the next best thing.

The brunette turned around, and prepared for the trek to the Emerald palace. When she arrived, Jennette sourly noted that Lilian was the one to greet them at the door. "Unfortunately, the princess is unavailable, your highness. Please return." She stated coldly.

Jennette's eyes narrowed at Lilian's tone. If it were once, she might have dismissed it as just a mood. But twice? No, it was deliberate. Still, she couldn't snap at her the way she wanted to; her maids were watching. "Oh? Then please enlighten me on her whereabouts." She ordered.

Lilian's blue eyes hardened, and her frown deepened. "It would be a violation of Princess Athanasia's privacy if I disclosed that information."

"But were sisters!"

"Yes. Not the emperor."

Jennette clenched her teeth. "Fine." She spat venomously. The princess turned around, casting a glare over her shoulder before marching off. "Why must you be so rude, Lilian?" She heard her maids utter as she walked further away. Still, Jennette didn't stay to listen to the rest, walking blindly through though Athanasia's beautiful rose gardens.

Suddenly, she heard a muffled voices in the distance. The girl slowed her pace, stilling, listening. It sounded like.... laughter. Sneakily, Jennette peeked her head from behind a rose bush. Her stomach sank.

Sitting in a small clearing was both Athanasia and Claude, seemingly just enjoying each other's presence as they drank their tea. Without her.

Jennette didn't realize how much it would sting, watching Claude adore Athanasia while in the same breath giving her the cold shoulder. She had thought she was stronger, and could endure until she herself melted his icy facade. But she was wrong, in that moment as she felt was...


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