Chapter 9: Ruby Palace

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"No matter what people say, this is your day now, Princess Jennette."


But It did't feel like her day.

As Jennette watched Athanasia flutter around the ball room like a fairy attracting all, it wouldn't be fit for it for the day to be anything but hers.

Even though she enjoyed beinging called princess and enjoyed the stares and attention, Athanasia still got more

The feeling of jealousy curled in her cut, but the brunette quickly tried to dispel the feeling before it caused any problems. Her mana had begun to emit dark waves, sending chills down the spines of nobles nearby. 

Suddenly, she heard heavy footsteps approaching. Men in blue, red, and yellow uniforms marched straight up to her. Some were eve wearing black capes with golden buttons. Their uniforms were awfully familiar. 'Imperial Knights.' She realized. 

The assumed leader stepped up and dropped into a bow. "Blessings and glory upon the Obelian Empire ." He greeted formally. "At his majesty's order, we are here to escort Duke Alpheus to the audience chamber, and Princess Jennette to the Ruby palace."

Jennette frowned. "If it's father's orders, then I see no problems. Lead the way, sir knights." She spoke softly. In the books, Claude escorted Athanasia to and from the banquet, but he sent knights to get her? 

She followed the knights through the halls of the main palace, Claude nowhere to be seen. After following them out, Jennette found a carriage waiting for her. It was white with golden accents, and was pulled by two completely white stallions. 

She climbed into a gold gilded carriage with the helping hand of a knight. She couldn't help but feel anxious as the carriage took her to her new home. 

The carriage traveled further and further away from the main palace, and the scenery changed to a well kept garden. Jennette's stomach twisted. 'Athanasia's rose gardens.' She realized. The blonde haired girl was living in luxury. 

Hearing the murmurs of voices outside, Jennette braced herself to greet the gathered servants. The Ruby palace was grand and well kept for a place previously uninhabited.  She noticed that most of the lights were on and flickering with the shadows of people. 'They must be rushing to prepare me.' The brunette realized, her heart warming. 

......but the greeting never came. Even the softly padded insides of the carriage couldn't protect her from the coldness of night for long. Jennette frowned, dissatisfied. She gently moved the carriage curtains away from the window, motioning for the guard who helped her into the carriage to open it. When it was, Jennette directly addressed the knight. "There is no one to greet me. May I know why?" She asked gently, pretending to be genuinely curious rather than the irritation she truly felt.

"The head maid was just recently informed of your arrival, Princess. It's quite chilly, so please wait in the carriage for now. I will inform you when the necessary preparations have been made."

At the clear dismissal, Jennette gave a elegant nod and closed the door a bit harshly. "They wouldn't dare keep Athanasia waiting like this." She muttered venomously.

It only could have been 15 more minutes, but it was far to long for the likes of Jennette. Finally, the carriage doors opened to reveal the grand doors of the Ruby palace and two perfect lines of butlers and maids, all of them bowing their waists.

She let the knight from before help her out of the carriage, and entered her new palace with her head held high.

In unison, the two lines spoke. "Blessing and glory Obelia. Welcome to the Ruby palace, Princess Jennette." Jennette walked through the pathway made out of maids and butler, making sure to smile at each and everyone of them; all the while sending out waves of  mana. 'Aren't I kind? Aren't I lovely?'  ........'Aren't I so much sweeter than Athanaia?' 

Surely her sister wouldn't mind if Jennette dampened her reputation just a little bit. The main reason Claude fell in love with Athy in the first place was  because she was so lovely; so Jennette had to make sure her loveliness reached his ears as well!

Soon, she'd have everyone here on her side, and truly become...

...a lovely princess.

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