Chapter 17: The Flower Crown

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"What a coincidence it'll be when you suddenly appear wherever he is"


It was soon after when Draco's tracking spell proved to be useful.

The demon hummed thoughtfully as he twisted Claude's quill pen in between his fingertips. "Your father's been in the same place for quite some time now. Check it out." He said simply, causing Jennette to perk up. "Is he alone?" She asked, already pulling herself together to depart.

"Seems so."

Jennette didn't waste time calling for her maids. They'd only hinder her after all. The brown haired princess hummed happily as she strolled through the imperal palace. 'If Draco was correct, Claude should be somewhere!'

When Jennette rounded a rose bush, she was met with an unfortunate sight. Indeed Claude was there, but he seemed to be taking......a nap. She frowned. 'What a wasted opportunity.' She thought, gazing down at the blonde haired man.

Jennette took a step back, only to see from the corner of her eye Claude slightly twitching. 'Is he awake?' She wondered. Claude hadn't reacted, so perhaps he was waiting for Jennette to leave him alone.

As she was going to, a devilish thought struck her. 'Claude was kept entertained due to Athanasia's brazenness, right?' She thought, smiling slightly. Jennette giggled quietly as she sat down on the grass near Claude, but not close enough to make him too uncomfortable.

Slowly, she allowed her mana to leak out, drawing the man in. Jennette hummed a soft tune under her breath as she began to pick flowers, intertwining them until a rose flower crown was made. She then turned to Claude, smirking.

Jennette could practically feel the cogs in the emperor's head spinning as he realized what she was about to do, but for some reason....he didn't stop her.

He could feel the weight of the flower crown atop his head, and he could hear the sound of the brunette giggling, but Claude didn't feel as annoyed. Jennette oddly reminded him of the young Athanasia, that brazen thing. As she aged, the princess naturally grew out of that stage, but the Emperor found himself missing the amusement her younger self brought into his like.

Yes. That's why he didn't stop her. For entertainment. Surely.

Unknown to him, as Jennette was weaving the crown, she was also weaving unnoticeable spells as well. As soon as the crown was placed upon his head, they took effect, influencing his thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

Slowly, Claude opened one jeweled, icy blue eye, piercing Jennette's own. "What are you doing." He asked stoically. Would the girl admit what she'd done? Or would she deny.

Jennette's eyes flicked from Claude's eyes, to his head, and back to his head. She quickly clover her mouth with her hand to hide her ever growing smile. "Oh, nothing, father." She said, tilting her head innocently.

"Is that so.."

Jennette eagerly nodded her head. "Yes, it is." She said, a bit too quickly, almost giving herself away. "Anyways...." She trailed off guiltily, looking for another conversation topic. "'ll catch a cold if you sleep out in the open!"

Claude blinked at the immediate scolding. "The outdoor elements hardly effect me." He said dismissively.

Large, jeweled eyes matching his own stared at him, unconvinced. Then, they turned concerned. "Are you not getting enough sleep?" Jennette asked after a moment, frowning.

....but he was never even asleep-

"I know just the thing!" Jennette suddenly said. The princess instanly bounced up, throwing one more look over her shoulder and she ran away. "I'll deliver it to your palace! Bye, daddy!" She informed, slipping in Athanasia's cute way of calling her father. Before he could react, Jennette was gone.

It seemed the noise the teen girl made also alerted a certain red haired knight searching for him nearby. "Your majesty, you must return to the palace at once! There's still paperwork to complete!"

"Shut up, Felix."

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