Athanasia: Outburst

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It was clear now. Even if Claude wanted to favor Jennette Athanasia would stand in the way. 'It appears that things are going to get nasty.'


Athanasia's POV:

"Princess Athanasia!"

Athanasia's head snapped up from where it was buried nose deep in a book. "Lily?" She said, confused. The golden haired princess tilted her head to the side. "What is it?"

Lilian seemed a bit out of breath, her cheeks flush as if she had been running. "Things from Belladonna's Boutique are starting to enter the palace!" She said, happy on the princess' behalf.

The blonde haired princess immediately brightened. "Really?!" She asked, beaming. 'Father is so caring!' She thought to herself. Unlike her last life, she made sure to charm him before Jennette got the chance to, solidifying the notion that the brunette girl truly had stolen him before.

Athanasia hummed in thought. 'These last few days Jennette has been making me angry with her attempts to curry favor. Perhaps father took notice of this and is trying to cheer me up?' She reasoned. The princess then nodded. Yes, that must be it. Her expression turned slightly sly. "Say, don't you think Jennette will get jealous?" She said, snickering to herself, imagining the enraged expression the brunette would soon be wearing.

Lilian Immediately nodded. " How could she not?" She said. "Hannah, Ces, go find out when the packages are to arrive." The head maid ordered on the princess' behalf.

"Remember to check if any brown haired heads are peeking around my rose bushes." Athanasia called out, smirking.

"Pfft!" Hannah laughed. "Understood!" Seth agreed. Thankfully, Athanasia took advantage of her childish charms early on into her second life, quickly earning the unquestioned loyalty of the maids.

It took about five minutes before her trusted maids returned, but their expressions were a bit "What's the matter?" Lilian asked sternly. Hannah and Ces exchanged wary glances. "The presents..." The orange haired maid started. "They're going to the Ruby palace..." Ces finished, her purple hair looking particularly disheveled.

An expression of disbelief overtook both Lilian and Athanasia's face. 'They're mistaken!' Athanasia fumed. The princess immediately whirled around and stomped to her balcony, throwing the glass doors open and powering down. Indeed, the servants moved like a trail of ants, away from the Emerald palace and off to the Ruby palace.

The blonde haired girl felt as if someone poured ice water on top of her, chilled to the core. 'This can't be happening.' She thought, stumbling back. She could family hear her maids tying to talk to her, but it sounded is if she were drowning. 'This is how it started last time...' Yes, she remembered clearly. She remembered how she watched from the Ruby palace as servants filled the emerald palace with gifts just days after Jennette stole her spotlight.

Athanasia trembled. Would all she worked for come crumbling down? 'No! I won't let that happen! Not again.' Before any of her maids could react, the princess stormed out of her room, forcing them to hurriedly follow.


"Where are you going?!"

"Your Highness, please slow down!"

Athanasia paid them no mind. She was a woman on a mission. The teen didn't stop once she exited the Emerald palace. She didn't stop when she entered the Garnet Palace. She didn't stop when she stormed into the Emperor's office. No, Athanasia didn't stop until she was right in front of the emperor himself.

"How could you?!" Athanasia practically screamed.

To his credit, Claude merely blinked at the sudden intrusion that was Athanasia. "How could I what?" He asked, urging her to clarify while also beating back the budding feeling of annoyance.

"How could you get Jennette gifts and not I? Your true-

Athanasia's mouth snapped shut at the dark expression beginning to appear on Claude's face.

"Athanasia." He spoke, giving away none of his emotions. "It is unacceptable for a member of the imperial family to feel envious over a mere 15 presents." He said sternly. "Think of your rose gardens, your library, your observatory. Do you see Jennette storming into my office even though your gifts surround her every single day?"

Athanasia flinched back as if she was struck. "But..." she tried, only to be cut off.

The Emperor sneered. "If it's gifts you want, I'll double the amount I've given to Jennette."

Athanasia noticeably brightened, a pleased smile on her face. Yes, that's how it should have been to begin with.

"You seem pleased." Claude nodded dryly. "I hope the gifts will keep you company for the next week while your in your room."


"Your grounded."

There was a shocked silence, before all hell broke loose. "What?!" Athanasia cried. Grounded? Her?! "Are you serious, father?" The blonde haired girl demanded. She'd never been grounded before, no matter how impudent she acted in front of the Emperor. What was so special about now?

"Make that two weeks."

Lilian, ever the protector, stepped forward. "Princess, let's return to the Emerald palace." She urge quickly once she could sense Athanasia about to protest once again. The blonde haired girl whirled around to stare at her mother figure. Angry jeweled eyes met pleading cyan ones, and it was soon a battle of wills.

After a long, tense moment, Athanasia visibly drooped. "Ok, lily." She conceded. Clearly, Claude couldn't be swayed at the current moment. She'd gone about this all wrong.

The blonde haired princess threw one last glare for good measure, before she briskly made her way back to the emerald palace, a nasty feeling curling in her gut.

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