Chapter 24: Eventful boat Ride

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"Follow me."


Jennette stared, stunned at Claude's suddenly retreating form.

The brunette shared a quick glance with Felix, only for the man to shug. How helpful. Rolling her eyes, Jennette quickly fell into step with Claude, a slight skip in her step. "Where are we going daddy?" She asked innocently.

It was only when Claude's eyes snapped to her did Jennette realized her mistake. 'Oh my god! Did I just call him d- ew~' She thought cringing internally. But then suddenly, a moment of brilliance struck her. 'I wonder how angry Athanasia would me if she realizes that she's not the only one who can call him that.' Smiling, Jennette beamed up at the Emperor, as if she was completely unaware of the flabbergasted looks she was receiving from Felix, her maids, and other servants who had overheard.

To the relief of Jennette's servants, Claude merely hummed. "I was on my way to the lake. Get ready and Join me." He ordered, his pace never wavering in the slightest.

A sense of déjà vu filled Jennette as if she'd seen this before. 'Wasn't this a early chapter in Who made me A Princess?' The princess realized. She shuddered at the thought of drowning like little Athy, but pretended to be blissfully unaware. "I can't swim." Jennette warned. "So if I fall in, you have to come save me- or else I'll drag you down with me!" She said sternly, waving her finger.

It was oddly.....endearing.

As the small group reached the dock of the lake, Jennette was blown away by the beautiful scenery. Crystal clear lake with floating flowers? Yep. Lush greenery? Right on! Murderous tentacle monster lurking in the depths? Wtf-

Jennette felt like an absolute idiot. How could she have forgotten about the murder flower?! She was practically walking into her own funeral!  The Princess' steps slightly wavered, and unfortunately for her, Claude took notice.

She was immediately under the scrutiny of the Emperor, his gaze now on her form. "You don't want to ride with me?" He asked. She couldn't just refuse. She'd risk losing her favor. In other words 'ride with me or suffer the consequences!'

Jennette gulped. "Of course I do!" She lied through her teeth. She found that she was doing that a lot these days. When she was offered a helping hand onto the boat, she realized that there was no going back now. Do or die!

But then they were off, on a scenic boat ride.

'Or maybe in just being dramatic.' The brunette realized, feeling slightly embarrassed. The wind slightly tussled both her and Claude's hair. At that moment, Jennette truly realized what Athanasia noted. 'He's really pretty.' It was practically a fact. His hair shimmered like gold, and it made her silently curse her brunette strands.

"What are you thinking about?" Claude asked, causing Jennette to snap out of thought. Had he been watching her this whole time? 'Ugh, I can't say the same thing as Athanasia. That'd be suspicious.' Ummmmmmm.......-!

"How does the boat move?" She decided to ask instead. Better get at least something useful out of this.

Claude hummed, and the wind fluttered once more. "Magic." He said simply.

Wait, so Claude was the one steering the boat? But he looked so relaxed! "Woah.." Jennette said, impressed. "I heard that you can use magic from Uncle! How cool." She decided to ignore how the emperor snorted when she referred to the duke as 'uncle.' "Can I use magic too?" She wondered aloud, staring at her reflection in the water.

Something shimmered in the distance.

The magical flowers looked like they were made of Crystal themselves. Even though she knew  it's true form just below the surface, she was still blown away.

"Do you want one?"

Jennette's eyebrows nearly reached her hairline. "The Ruby palace doesn't have a lake like the Emerald palace, daddy." She pointed out, taking the chance to guilt trip him. Besides that, where would she even keep it? The better question; why would she even want it?

Claude blinked. "Is that so?" He hummed. "Then put it in a aquarium." He said simply, as if that solved all.

Unable to help herself, Jennette decided to up the pressure. "....I'm afraid my room is only big enough for necessities." She said softly. 'So Hurry up and move me to the Emerald palace like Athanasia!' She roared in her head.

"Is that so?" He parroted. Th boat suddenly veered in a 180, and they were heading back to the doc where Felix and her maids were waiting,

Jennette self her eyebrows twitch at her failed attempt. Obviously, her guilt tripping would need some work, but she had two weeks to tear down the stone wall that protected Claude's heart. "I had fun today, Daddy!" She beamed as they stepped onto solid ground.

Mary and Laura immediately rushed to cover the princess in a parasol. Even though it was December, Obelia was a fairly hot country, leaving the winter months to be moderate in temperature.

"Dinner is at 6:00 pm, don't be late."


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