Chapter 26: Crystal Ice tree

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This was only the beginning.


Dinner was a wonderful affair.

By the time the pair finished their meals, Jennette felt as if she was on cloud nine.

Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she spotted Claude retrieve something wrapped in cloth. Her attention was immediately drawn to the item hidden, Pandora's tear slightly heating in response. "Whats that, Daddy?" She asked curiously.

Claude hummed, and slid it across the table until it was in front of her. "Open it." He ordered.

Jennette's chest practically swelled with pride. She was already getting another gift! Quickly but carefully, she removed the red cloth. She sucked in a sharp breath.

In her hands, was one of the most beautiful things she had even seen in her life. The object looked similar to a cutting from a tree, but instead of wood, the branch looked to made made up of Diamond, sapphire, and Crystal. There were tiny little flower buds, not yet bloomed, but the princess could feel the residual magic they emitted. "It's so pretty!" Jennette gushed, eyes sparking in delight. She couldn't wait to show it off to Athanasia.

At the thought, her magic began to seep out, only for something strange to happen. "Huh?" She said aloud. The Crystal sapling suddenly glowed, and Jennette could feel it absorbing the mana waves she had just emitted.

Claude leaned forward, a keen expression on his face. "This a tree that feeds on mana." He informed.

Jennette looked at the object in her hands in a new light. "My mana gives it energy?" She whispered. 'So cool.'

"Practice gradually until you can adjust the mount of mana you give it. Since it's a young tree, it doesn't need much." He ordered.

Jennette blinked in surprise. This was a teaching object and not a gift? Still, it was very pretty. "I'll raise it carefully." She said, smiling. "What happens if it keeps growing?" She asked. She didn't have room for a whole tree.

Claude hummed. "Once it matures, at least ten thousand flowers will bloom." He said blandly. Then, as if it were an afterthought, he spoke again. "The ice tree flowers are rarer than any jewel." He warned, and underlying message to keep it safe.

Jennette nearly choked in surprise. 'Oh my..'  she thought. For the second time today, the brunette rushed Claude with a barrage of affection. "Thank you daddy!" She squealed, pecking him on the cheek. This time, she was firmly planted on his lap, and had no intention of moving.

Undeterred, Claude continued to eat as if this was normal. To be fair, it probably was considering how touchy Athanasia was. "Once you can get ten flowers to bloom, I'll find you a magic instructor." He said.

"Can I use magic too?"

Jennette blinked, remembering their earlier conversation. Had the emperor interpreted her words to mean she wanted to learn magic? A warm feeling overtook the princess at the mana surprising amount of thought.

"Once the tree is big enough, I'll have it planted and build a garden around it." Claude continued. "Do you like roses? Whats your favorite color? I'll have the color artificially created."

Oh yes, Jennette liked that idea very much. Not even Athanasia could say she had a Crystal Ice tree in her various gardens. 'What color would fit be the best...' "Blue roses." She blurted out. She was always fond of the meaning. 'To obtain the impossible.' Quite fitting. "I'm also quite fond of hanging wisteria, don't you think the two components would make a pretty garden Daddy?" She asked.

Claude hummed. "It's up to you." He said, supplying no real input. Still, he wasn't actively disagreeing.

Jennette counted it as a win in here book.

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