Chapter 10: Lilian York

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Soon, she'd have everyone here on her side, and truly become...

...a lovely princess.


Jennette walked through the pathway made out of maids and butlers to a old looking woman presumably the head maid.

As she made her way down the path, Jennette made smile at each and every servant that met her gaze, mood influencing magic pouring out of her in waves. 'Aren't I kind? Aren't I lovely.' Jennette paused....'Don't I treat you much better than Athanaisa?'

One of the traits Claude treasured most in Athanasia was her kindness. Jennette needed to make sure that rumors of her kindness met his ears. And so what if she was compared to her sister? Surely she didn't mind.

When she finally got to the steps of the Ruby palace, she was met with a familiar face. She was bowed respectfully, her face perfectly rid of all emotions."Good evening, Princess Jennette. I am Lillian York, the head maid of the imperial palace." She said.

Jennette pretended to act confused. 'With Lily here I can finally get some answers.' "Ruby Palace? Why am I not in the Emerald palace with Athanasia?" She asked innocently.

She could have sworn she caught a flash or annoyance appear in Lilian's features, but it was gone ass quickly as it came. "To answer her highness, it is what his majesty has instructed. If you have a problem with this arrangement..." Icy blue eyes met jeweled ones. "...I suggest taking it up with the Emperor personally."

Jennnette flinched back, her words cutting like a knife. What in the world was going on?! The Lily portrayed in the novel was sweet and kind! Why was she being so cold?

The voice in the back of her head had an answer she desperately wanted to ignore. 'because you're not Athy, are you?'

Lillian, as cold as ever, carried on without a care. "As I am not to be away from Her highness for more than one hour, my time is limited. Miss Helen shall oversee the palace in my stead. If there are any problems, report to her. Please excuse me" 

Jennette's jeweled eyes watched as Lillain York briskly made may her way away from the Ruby palace and into the night. 'I'll have to tell father about her when I get the chance.'  She vowed to herself. 

Her inner musings were once again cut off. "Blessings and Glory, Princess Jennette. I am Miss Helen, the head maid of the Ruby palace. I shall be in charge of your stay." The woman looked to be in her late 40's, and had grey and brown hair pulled back into a low bun. She looked much kinder than Lillian. 

Felling better, Jennette nodded along and smiled. "Very well then." She turned to the other servants as well. "It's nice to meet each and every one of you.As you know, I am Princess Jennette. I will be in your hands, please take care of me." The warm greeting was a surprise to everyone, expecting her to be somewhat arrogant. Maybe even a bit snotty.

Surprising them even more, once Jennette a finished speaking, she lowered her head into a polite bow. Not nearly as low as the one the servants gave her, but nevertheless; to see a princess be so humble shattered their preconceived notions.

The head maid was the first one to snap out of her trance. "Ahem! It's far past sundown, so I'm sure her highness is exhausted. Rose, please take Princess Jennette to the room prepared."

Rose, a maid, led Jennette up the main set of stairs to the third floor. The pair walked down a long, dimly lit hallway before stopping at a large, grand set of doors. The room seemed to overlook the back garden. The room's main theme was red, but it also had pops of white and gold trimming.  Pretty, but...simple.

Once Rose left, Jennette didn't go to bed, instead she called out to her companion. "Draco"

In a flash, her silvered haired demon appeared in the room, kneeling and waiting for orders. "You called, summoner?" 

"Place protection spells onto this room. If anyone tries something they'll immediately be put out. " Jennette paused, another thing coming to mind. "Place noise cancelling spells as well. Nothing that I don't want to be heard will leave this room."

With that, Jennette flopped onto her new ed, not bothering to remove her dress. Perhaps she was being too paranoid, but you never know. 'What if Lucas tries to kill me in my sleep or something?"

Jeannette shivered at the thought, but she was twice as tired than she was paranoid. 

Unwillingly, sleep took a hold of her and within a few moments, the princess was asleep. 

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