Chapter 22: Belladonna's Boutique

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"Just think about how spectacular Athanasia's fall from grace will be."


The next day, despite all of yesterday's fanfare, was surprisingly tame.

True to the Emperor's word, lines and lines of servants started to fill the imperial grounds, surrounded were all sorts of rumors. The most popular one being the fact that they were not going to the emerald palace (Athanasia's residence), but the Ruby palace where Princess Jennette lived.

Once the servants arrived, the head maid rushed to greet them at the entryway, leaving Jennette to watch from on top of the balcony overlooking the large open space.

"It's a pleasure, Miss Helen." A refined butler said, stepping forward. They seemed to be personal acquaintances judging by how the middle aged woman relaxed. "To the third floor, Sebastian."

Jennette hid a small smile as she rushed back to her room before she was spotted. There was no doubt that Athanasia has seen the multitude of gifts, making the brunette wonder how she would react when she realized they were not for her.

Just as she entered her room and sat down on her sofa, a knock sounded at her door. "Excuse me your highness, his majesty's gifts have arrived." Miss Helen announced, waiting for Jennette's response.

Jennette hummed. "Enter." She watched as piles upon piles of gift boxes continue to grow with a satisfied air, but not an exited one. 'This will soon be an everyday occurrence.' She told herself, smiling lightly. Glancing up, she noticed the wandering stares of the foreign servants. Most likely, they were searing for information about the relatively new princess. "Is something the matter?" She said pointedly, before shooting Miss Helen a look.

Taking notice, the older woman cleared her throat loudly. "How unprofessional. What do you think your doing in front of Princess Jennette?" She said, huffing. She shot Sebastian a look, making the man glare at his workers.

"My apologies, Miss Helen. I'll make sure to train my staff more appropriately." He said gruffly.

As the last box was placed down, the servants hastily retreated, leaving Jennette alone. Finally, a large grin broke across her angelic features as she hopped out of her sea and made her way to her new items. "1....5....10.....15..." She counted, her brows beginning to furrow. If memory served, it was regular for Athanasia to receive at least thirty boxes. Why did she only get fifteen? 'Well, it doesn't matter. The gifts aren't what's important' She thought after a moment. The fact that she received anything at all showed the world that she was not beginning to be treated just like Athanasia by Claude.

"Rose, Mary!" She called out, causing the maids to come rushing in. "One of you unbox these and set them away. Could another one of you bring me some tea?" She ordered, gazing at the small mountain before her.

"I'll be right back!" Mary said. She rushed off, determined to fulfill her request.

After a few minutes, Mary rushed back in, followed closely by Laura and the maid from last night. "Sarah has news for you, your highness!" She said, eagerly pushing the maid forward.

Jennette raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" She asked. She beckoned for the maid to come blower. "Do tell." She said, leaning forward slightly.

Sarah seemed to be nervous, but determined to please. "I heard a from Emerald Palace maids that, apparently, Princess Athanasia threw a fit like they've never seen before when she heard about his majesty's kind gesture." She supplied is disbelief. "They say she even stormed the garnet palace demanding a explanation. She only calmed down when she was promised even more gifts!"

Jennette blinked in surprise. She expected for Athanasia to get annoyed, but not for her to blow up in anger. 'It seems she's prone to mistakes when dealing with negative emotions.' She realized. The princess smiled, tucking that small piece of information for later.

It was clear now. Even if Claude wanted to favor Jennette Athanasia would stand in the way. 'It appears that things are going to get nasty.'

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