Claude: Jennette's Special Soup

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(A/N: Lol first time addressing readers directly since starting this book. Just a FYI, this chapter will be Claude's POV)

"Shut up, Felix."


He should have left Felix looking for at least another hour.

Clade's face remained impassive, but the red haired knight got the feeling that he was scowling within. Moments before, when he shifted just an inch, Felix had gotten a nasty jeweled stink eye.

Suddenly, a knock sounded from his office door, causing Claude to glare at the door, and then Felix. "You handle it." He ordered simply.

Felix sighed in resignation. "What is it?" He called to the unknown person outside.

The was a minor pause, before they spoke again. "Princess Jennette has sent refreshment for his majesty..." They trailed off, ending their sentence almost as if it were a question.

"His majesty is working, go back." The red haired man said, trying to protect the new princess. Clearly she didn't know who she was messing wh-


There was a still silence, before Claude spoke up again. "Enter."

A maid with dark burgundy hair entered, holding a trey carrying some sort of orange soup and a clear glass of water. '"You say Jennette sent you."

"Yes, your majesty."

Claude nodded simply, watching the woman place the tray on his desk and quickly leave. The emperor didn't look up from his paperwork, but addressed the knight standing next to him. "Get out." He ordered. His presence was no longer needed.

"....blessings and glory upon Obelia."

Claude eyed the dish. It wasn't fancy like what the chefs of Garnet palace prepared. He took the spoon, eyeing it. The eating utensils in the Garnet and Emerald palace were gold; this was silver. He dipped the spoon into the orange soup, and lifted the substance to his lips.

''s good.' It was even better than the food the kitchen staff prepared on a daily basis. Jennette's words still rung inside his head.

"'ll catch a cold if you sleep out in the open!"

"Are you not getting enough sleep?"

"Bye, daddy!"

A small smile formed across stoic, cold features. "Ha" Claude laughed. It was a dry, bitter one, but a laugh nonetheless. "What a brazen thing." It seems his two daughters had something in common after all.

The emperor then let his thought trail off to another topic. 'Now that I think about it, the girl needs new clothes appropriate for her status.' Claude noted. During their meeting she was merely wearing a simple green gown with white lase. Leather shoes, no jewlery, not even a coat to block the winter air. Surely she would be more affected by the elements that he was; wearing a dress out of season.

"Felix" Claude called, summoning the knight once again. The emperor thought of Athanasia's favorite boutique. "Send a letter to Belladonna's boutique. Tell them so send anything Jennette might need." He ordered with a since of finality.

Felix nodded.

"Her highness will be extremely happy"

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