Chapter 1

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A/N Hello, some of you guys may have seen me talk about this story. So here it is. In my story TOA (Trials of Apollo) never takes place.

Percy POV

It's been a few weeks since I've been to camp. Going on solo quests is no fun, and this quest was no exception.

My quest wasn't fun for all of the right reasons. Aphrodite left her favorite lipstick in San Francisco and for whatever reason she couldn't retrieve it. Not only did I have to get to San Francisco, but I had no idea where the lipstick was. I searched all of the city for 3 and a half weeks just to find a stupid cylinder full of colored lip garbage.

When I returned to Olympus to give the lipstick to Aphrodite she just then realized that she had 3 of the same lipstick in a cabinet and my quest for the most part was a waste of time.
Back to Present

Because I was in town, I thought I'd stop by Mom's to say hi. I was walking down the street, when I saw an Ice Cream Parlor. Mabey the ice cream could take away some of the negativity that I was feeling after the quest.

I walked in the the parlor and there was something off about the place. Mabey there was monsters in the building. I got in line which was surprising short for shuch a busy part of town.

"Hello, What can I get you today," The person at the counter asked me.

"Well, I'll take mint please," I replied

"How many scoops?" The person asked

"I'll take 2 please and thank you."

"Here you go," The person behind the counter handed me my ice cream.

I walked out of the parlor, and as soon as I had completely left the building I felt the familiar feeling of being flashed somewhere. So, while I'm being flashed somewhere let me tell you you about my quest.

So the quest was to get Aphrodite's lipstick, however while I was there I encountered the hunters. They didn't recognize me because I had a cloak on, however Artemis tracked me. It was a deadly game of cat and mouse for almost an hour. Artemis and the Hunt tracked me, while I hid. I was able to travel via water vapor back to Olympus, but not without a souvenir, one of Artemis' arrows, I found some monsters in Central Park before I got the Ice Cream, and the monsters saw the alloy the arrow was made of and started to run in fear.

I've heard some about Artemis' and Apollo's arrow, apparently they're made of things called Olympian gold, and Olympian silver. I'll give you one guess as to who's arrows are made out of what.

Oh look here I am right in the middle of the throne room. Athena is sitting on her throne reading a book, and Hestia is sitting next to the hearth tending to it. Artemis is glaring daggers at Apollo. Apollo is sitting on his throne fiddling with an instrument that I don't recognize, not at all paying attention to Artemis glaring. Dad was sitting on his throne with his trident in his lap. I guess he is the person that flashed me here.

He beckons me over. I walk over him and he steps off of his throne and shrinks down to my size. Dad then summons two chairs for us to sit down on. I sit on one and he the other. He hands me a present. Oh did I mention it's my birthday.

The gift is from Tyson, I open the box and inside there is a note and watch. The note says:

Hi Brother
I made you a new watch. When you press the button on the left a shield appears, then when you press the left button twice a different shield appears Then when you press the right button your armour appears, Then if you press the right button twice your sword appears. Also everything is made of Olympian Silver. I have a couple extra of the watches down here in Atlantis. If you need any you can IM me.

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