Chapter 28

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When I first started a thousand-word chapter was long. Now anything less than two thousand feels short.

Percy POV

She turned my light off and closed my door. Still fully clothed, I began to fall asleep, gently drifting into the realm of Morpheus.

I grumbled as I woke up. It was only 03:00. I knew that there was no way I was going to fall back asleep. I sat up, still in my clothes from yesterday. I snapped my fingers, changing my clothes. Riptide was still in my pocket and my watch was still on my wrist.

I grabbed the two books that Chiron gave me yesterday and walked out of my room. Stepping as quietly as I could, I walked up the middle of the bunks between rows of sleeping hunters.

I got to the door and slowly opened it. I made no sounds as I closed the door and walked out, over to the arena. It was dark, but I was able to retrace my steps over to the arena.

The moon was hidden behind clouds, keeping the light to a minimum. The odd smell of salt water populated the normally clean air. Nonetheless, I walked into the empty arena.

I sat down on a bench and opened one of the books. I began to read, 'In order to achieve mastery over time, one must let time flow. You don't control time, you possess time.'

I looked down at my watch. I watched as the second hand moved. On many watches there was a strict marching. On this watch, the second's hand just moved. It perfectly represents how we feel time; it just flows.

I closed the book and took a deep breath. I picked up one of the books and tossed it. I held my hand up and the book slowed down. The book still moved just slow enough that one wouldn't notice. I grabbed the book which resumed its movement.

After thinking for a moment, it shouldn't be possible to stop an object. Time doesn't stop; it flows.

Internally is scoffed. That was possibly the wisest thing I had ever thought. I couldn't help but think that that was the only thing that I could learn from these books today. I opened it again and turned to the next page. 'Objects are like people,' was the title of the next page.

I snapped the book closed and stood up, flashing myself back to my room. I set my books down and flashed back to the arena.

The clouds began to part, but the moon was still struggling to illuminate the ground. Under the dim moonlight I pulled Riptide out and started to slash at a dummy that was in front of me. The whole goal was to not hit the dummy.

I struck everywhere around the dummy. Hopefully it would improve my blade control. I continued to slash at the dummy until I was interrupted by someone walking in. "Percy," They greeted.

I stopped to see James at the top of the doorway. "Morning James," I nodded in his direction.

"I see you're up at this hour too?" He asked, taking a look around the empty arena.

"As they say, the early bird catches the worm," I recited, going back to my dummy.

He walked down to the arena floor and started to practice his slashes. I continued with my training until breakfast. The horn sounded for breakfast. I walked out of the arena and over to get some breakfast.

I continued like this for a few days. Then the day of the Solstice meeting came.

I awoke with a start. Back in my bed in Artemis' cabin. It was only 07:30 at the moment and the meeting wasn't until 10:00 so I had some time. I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

I snapped my fingers, changing my clothes. My watch was on my wrist and Riptide was in my pocket. I opened my door to see the hunters all awake, talking and just mulling about.

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