Chapter 11

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I woke up this morning and the story had surpassed 2k reads. While meager compared to some stories here that have millions of reads, it all has to start somewhere. Without you, my readers, I would not be where I am today. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you!

Percy POV

Attempting again to light a small fire in my hands one last time today, I concentrated however with the abundance of stars in the sky I began to lose my concentration. I let my mind drift. Eventually something started to materialize in my hand; and it wasn't fire.

I grasped a pastry. Unsure of what it was, I took a bite.

The flavors assaulted my mouth like a barrage of arrows. I let out a small groan in delight. The pastry was quite possibly one of the best things that I've ever tasted. Then it hit me. Lying somewhere within me, I had the ability to summon food.

Focusing on my hands, a blue cookie appeared. The warm aroma of chocolate mixed with the sugar rushed up my nose, and before I could even have a second thought, I was stuffing my mouth with this blue cookie.

Over and over, I summoned more food. I was oblivious to the world around me as time seemed to pass in a blur. I had newfound confidence. Summoning more than just one item. 'Blue pancake' was the first thing that came to mind.

Leaning in, staring intently at my hand, one might think that I was injured, however I had zoned out thinking of only one thing; 'blue pancake.' Just as quickly as I had focused on the subject the object appeared in my hand. Yet, this time it was different. 3 blue pancakes appeared in my hand.

Once again marveling at my creation before scarfing them down. As I finished the pancakes a twig snapped behind me. I jolted up. Taking a full 180 I was the hare from earlier. "Hey little guy."

I extended my hand. "Or maybe you're a girl" Something in my consciousness told me that she was indeed a female.

She took a few very tense steps before closing the distance from me to her. I took a moment to just gaze on, at her beauty. She had very silky looking greyish silver hair and some gray and white splotches.

She sniffed my hand as if I had food to give to her. Not knowing what else to give her I summoned a blue cookie. The hare eagerly jumped up next to my hand taking a few small nibbles.

"I wonder what kind of name you should have?" I questioned myself looking at the hare intently.

Several possible names ran through my head. 'Artemis?' No, absolutely not. That's a one-way ticket to the underworld. 'Diana?' I paled. That's even worse. After several more names I stumbled upon one that made perfect sense and better yet, I would be killed from it. "Selene." I said aloud.

Selene visibly relaxed at the name. But then I realized something. The sun was rising. 'Had I really stayed up all night summoning food. Sighing, I picked up my bag and looked around once more. This forest was super dense. Thankfully the tree canopy kept the underbrush to a minimum. Dodging fallen trees I eventually walked up to a road. Across the road there was a small mobile home

It was run down and rusty on the outside. Just as I was about to turn and walk the other way, I felt a pang in my heart. My legs moved as if my mind had no control over them. I walked into the house uncontested. I looked around and found that it was empty. But it looked like someone was still living in it. I was about to walk out but not before I heard a small voice call out to me. "Help." It seemed to whimper out as if on its last breath.

I whipped around seeing a very young girl under the table. She saw my face and cowered. I rushed over to her and held out my hand. She grasped it. I could tell she was hanging on my just threads. She stood up and took a long look at me. With one last shaky breath, she breathed out, "Hello."

Just as I was about to respond she collapsed onto the floor. I stood in shock for a moment before rushing to her side. I put my finger on her wrist; to check her pulse. Then I realized I had no idea what I was doing. I could see she wasn't breathing. I leaned down, placing my ear against her chest. The sound of eerie silence greeted my ear.

Confused, I let out one word, "What?"

As if on queue the second I heard this I heard a car pull up next to the mobile home. Not having any regard for my safety, I frantically looked around. A small glimmer caught my eye. An open window.

I picked up the little girl and jumped through. The only thing here on this side of the mobile home was the forest. Looking back, making sure the coast is clear, I sprinted. I had gotten far enough away that I dared to look back.

The only thing that I saw was more forest. I sighed in relief. Just as I was about to turn around to face forward. I hit something.

With a crash, I fell to the ground. Still grasping the young girl that just died before me moments earlier.

I felt a sharp pain in my head before sitting up, groaning. "What was that?" I called out to nobody. Deliriously looking around, I saw it. A large branch jutted out from a tree standing right next to me. "Are you serious?" I grumbled.

Deciding this was far enough from the mobile home, I started gathering sticks and small pieces of dead shrubbery. After setting the sticks and pieces of tinder down, I laid the deceased girl on the pyre. My hands began to feel warm before a small flame came out of time.

I lit the bed of combustibles before clenching my fist putting the fire on my hand out. Today was going to be a tough day. I looked up to the sun to see that it was still rising. It was very clear still in the twilight hours of the morning. But what comes next, was something that I was not prepared for.

I watched on as the pyre burned. Sputtering down to the last flames the wood could muster. The sight seemed to freeze my heart. "If only I was there a little earlier." I muttered out to the burned pyre. My face steeled. I wasn't going to let this happen again. Not while I still drew breath.

I stormed off. The sun shone brightly overhead. I walked into a small town. Big white letters on a green billboard read, 'Welcome to Kingson, population 24,071.' This town sounded familiar; however, I couldn't quite place my hand on the name.

Shrugging it off, I walked deeper into the town. Just as I seemed to step onto main street, I felt another pang. My legs once again seemed to move without the guidance of my brain. I started sprinting in the other direction.

In a dark alley behind a few shops, I heard a scream. My legs abruptly stopped me there. I looked on in horror as a little girl, maybe 5 or 6 was defended by a brave satyr. He jumped in the way of a club that was carried by a cyclops taking a large hit. He fell to the ground and where he was just a second ago a flower grew.

Drawing Riptide, I shouted in anger. The cyclops turned around and his eye widened. He quickly regathered himself and swung his club. I was able to duck under the attack and step inside of his defense.

I drove my sword up piercing his chin. Shouting in pain he stepped back grabbing the girl.

He looked on at me with disgust, "Set your weapon down or she dies." He stared me down. "Demigod, you're too easy." He raised his club to strike down the girl.

I jumped at him. Slicing with Riptide, I was able to cut a sizable gash in his stomach. I caught the little girl but before he exploded in a golden dust, he was able to get one hit off.

My chest went from a triumphant feeling to a broken feeling, literally. "Oof" I spat out as his club smashed into my chest launching me into the wall. I looked over at the girl as everything started to go to black, I saw a pair of lightning blue eyes looking down at me. The person let out a small chuckle. Then it went black.


Another short Chapter today. Hopefully you liked it.

Word count: 1500

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