Chapter 31/Epilogue

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How did you like the last chapter? It was sad, hopefully this will set some things straight.

Percy POV

They nodded and I flashed us back to the palace where Artemis and I fell in love.

Three Months Later

After three months without Artemis, life was unbearable. We moved camps every other day and hunted pretty much any animal. The whole hunt was grieving from the loss of their mistress and I had fallen into a depression.

Today was a solemn day like most others. "Alright girls, we're going to be heading back to Olympus for a few days, for some rest." I informed them.

They all nodded and we circled up, "ready?" I asked. A couple of yesses passed through our group. I flashed us back to Artemis' palace.

We arrived and the girls walked upstairs and put their things down. I walked upstairs but suddenly I felt something. Another council meeting. "There is a council meeting," I announced exasperatedly. "I'll be back soon," I informed them.

"We'll be here," Thalia acknowledged.

I nodded and flashed to my throne. Artemis' empty throne sat beside me, a constant reminder of what I had lost. I hated coming to council meetings because of that very fact.

"Welcome Perseus," A voice said. I looked to the center of the room and saw someone I didn't recognise standing there, for some reason the fates were there too.

"Lady Anake," Kronos bowed

"Rise Kronos, there is no need to bow to me." Anake announced. My eyes widened, was this Anake? She seemed to notice me and spoke, "You have lost someone very close to you Perseus."

Solemnly I nodded my head, "yes."

She continued, "I do not control the fate of either you or Artemis." I looked at her with a raised brow. What was she trying to get at? "Artemis didn't fade." She said this and the whole council room erupted into shouts.

After a few moments Anake had had enough, "Silence!" She glared at the Olympians who were cowering in their thrones. "Perseus has demonstrated just how much he cares about Artemis and especially through her domain of the Hunt. his undying love for her has kept her from fading. I have direct orders from the Creator to bring her back to you."

My eyes widened in realization, Artemis was going to be returned. "You mean-" I stuttered.

"Yes young godling. Artemis will be back," She said, and I broke down in sobs. Suddenly a bright flash appeared in front of Anake.

"What!" Shouted Artemis. Anake just turned Artemis around to face me. When her eyes landed on me she rushed over. "Percy!" She yelled. I hopped off of my throne and embraced her, she closed the distance between us, kissing me.

After a few moments we were interrupted, "Ahem," Zeus called out.

I pulled back in embarrassment and looked at him. Instead of smiting me on the spot, he just smiled widely. "Ha, Poseidon you owe me twenty drachma!" I looked at him confused.

Dad summoned a small bag and tossed it over to Zeus, grumbling something incoherent. "Anyways, as I was saying, Perseus has demonstrated his proficiency in the domain of the hunt. The Creator herself has ordered that you be kept from fading to be returned to your lover," Anake explained.

Artemis nodded at her words. "So, fate is a busy thing I must get going, but I offer you my best wishes," Anake continued, before flashing off in a puff of black.

The Fates nodded as well before flashing off themselves. "Well I am ecstatic that you are back, daughter, we need to have a serious discussion about not dying later, but unless anyone has something else, the meeting adjourned!" He boomed

Everyone flashed out, leaving Artemis and I standing alone in the middle of the throne room. "We need to tell the hunters," I announced.

Artemis' eyes widened before nodding vigorously. I placed my hand on her shoulder and flashed us back to her palace.

3rd POV

When Artemis and Percy Returned, they were bombarded by the hunters, after taking a few days to get everything sorted out, they moved back out, hunting together. The hunt noticeably improved over the next few weeks when Artemis returned. Percy and Artemis were practically inseparable. As the nights drew on, they would sit together and watch the sunset, hunter and huntress.


And that's a wrap. Up to this point, this story is the longest I have made. If you enjoyed it, please vote, review or follow. This book was a blast to make and although it took three years, it was still well worth the wait. In the future, I will be rewriting the first few chapters. If there is anything that you think needs improvement for the book, please do let me know so that I can fix it. There may also be another epilogue. You guys truly are the best.



Word Count: 835

Book Word Count: 74262

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