Chapter 25

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A/n The first paragraph is from Percy's last paragraph. In the books the winter solstice meeting is on the winter solstice. Normally I wouldn't try to change cannon, but in this book it is on December 31.

Percy POV

We all ate our food, sitting there in a comfortable silence watching as the fire crackled and popped in front of us.

The hunters all stared at the fire in the middle of the group. "Zeus is requesting my presence." I called out.

"Okay get back soon, you will be cooking tomorrow night," Zoё said, looking at me, then back at her food.

"Alright, I will." I replied, standing up and walking over to my tent. Once inside I flashed off to Olympus.

"Perseus!" Boomed Zeus. I looked up, meeting his intense gaze.

"What can I do for you Zeus," I asked, walking over to my throne.

"Hades has been especially busy with monsters these last few weeks and has asked that you accompany his son through the underworld to exterminate some of the titans that have escaped." Zeus explained

"Sure when has he asked that we do this?" I questioned, thinking of what titans would be roaming free in the underworld.

"He has requested that you get there as soon as possible."

"I'll report back when we have killed the titans." He nodded at me and I flashed off.

I flashed off to the underworld. Inside of the cavernous space, you could hear screams, cries but you could also hear laughter and what sounded like millions of footsteps.

I looked to my left, the screams and cries came from the tortuous fields of punishment. But just in front of them laid Elysium. Off to my side there were the fields of asphodel and in front of me was Hades' palace.

I started to move forward toward the palace. The rough paths looked like crushed bone and they were difficult to walk on, but I was able to manage. Continuing forward until I reached the gates of the palace, "Mrs. Dodds!" I called out

"Jackson! You come for death?" She shouted

I just let out a small chuckle at her remark and walked into the palace grounds. Several ghostly guards mulled about the grounds patrolling, but not paying me any mind.

As I walked up to the front door, I was about to knock but the doors just opened. "Perseus!" Hades called out sitting on his throne.

"Hello uncle," I replied walking in the building.

"Nico should be here shortly. He had some business to take care of at Camp Jupiter." Hades informed me.

"Alright, do you know what titans we are looking for, or where they are?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. I believe that Perses and Kiros have been loose in my domain. They were spotted by some of my guards in the fields of punishment." Hades explained

"We'll head there first. The less titans in this war, the better." I remarked, thinking about any possible ways to defeat the titans.

"Perseus, I must give you this," He extended his hand holding a dagger.

"A dagger?" I questioned, taking it from his hand and unseathing it.

"Yes m'boy, it's made of Stygian Iron. If you kill anything with it, it will be absorbed into the blade. The less monsters the better." He explained the dagger.

"So if I can, kill the titans with this?" I asked

"Exactly." Just as he said this, Nico popped into the room.

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