Chapter 6

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A/N Before the start of this chapter, if you have any ideas please let me know.

Artemis POV
Perseus was moving in and out of consciousness every hour or so. He would wake up then fall back asleep. We fed him ambrosia and nectar every time he awakened however that didn't clear up his condition.

I stood up and left the infirmary and walked over to my tent. I needed to get a good night's rest after today's events. As I slowly drifted off to the realm of Morpheus I started to recall the events of the battle.

"Are you sure?" I asked, glancing back at the monsters on the outskirts of camp

"I'll find out" Perseus replied back to me.

As soon as he said that, he uncapped his Sword; Riptide, and made a gash in the flap of the tent. He proceeded to crawl in to the dangerously smokey depths of the tent.

I was snapped back to the battle as Phoebe shouted over to me, "Milady watch out."

Just as she said that I spun left and drew my hunting knives. The threat however was behind me now.

"Other way Milady," Phoebe shouted back. Almost being completely incapacitated from what would've been a fatal bite to my jugular coming from a hellhound I jumped out of the way.

I jumped off of the ground. Now back on my feet I made a wild swing at the hellhound narrowly missing it's nose. This time I was more cautious with my slash. Experimentally jabbing at the hellhound it backed up. It was fast, but I was faster. I sprang forward with my right knife outstretched, I moved so fast, it wasn't able to burst into gold dust before my body hit it.

Just after I hit the hellhound however, it bursted into gold dust. I couldn't waste anymore time standing around.
As my hunters covered me from a distance I ran into the fray. There were mostly Dracaena left. I sprinted towards one and slashed at it. It bursted into gold dust. I continued on slashing and jabbing till there was only one monster left. One lone cyclops was standing like a deer caught in someone's headlights.

Attempting to finish off this cyclops easily I ran towards it. This cyclops however was more well trained than I thought. He sidestepped and slashed at me. I held my knife up and blocked his attempt to bash his club against my head.

I fainted a strike to his left. Thankfully he fell for it and blocked a strike that wasn't there. I brought my knives up and made a huge gash on the side of his face. Almost immediately he burst into gold dust.

As I turned around I heard a thud. Looking down I was able to see Perseus collapsing to the ground seemingly out of energy. I started to sprint to this, but his brother Alex got there first. Alex dropped to his knees and felt his forehead. At first his eyes held a look of worry however, after feeling his forehead he eyes cleared up.

"He'll wake up in a few hours," Alex said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Extremely," He followed up.

I let go of a breath that I didn't know I was holding

I slowly left Morpheus' realm as I awakened to the light. I groggily sat up and threw my blankets off. After rubbing my eyes and checking the clock I concluded that it was an appropriate time to get up. I turned the water on for my shower to start my day.

Percy POV




The sound of coughing awakened me. I turned over to my side to get a good view of my surroundings. It was dark inside of what I assumed to be the infirmary tent. I took a looked around and I was able to see a dim red light of a clock in the corner of the room. I could vaguely see two zeros the colon then the rest just got jumbled up.

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