Let's go to the beach

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Rachels POV:

I gently took of my shoes and walked into the living room. My mom was at work and dad was on another one of his trips. Dad was supposed to be home soon though.

"Hey Rachel you okay?" My pixie asked taking me out of my thoughts. He floated up to my eye level.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said it must not have been convincing because he gave me a look that showed he wasn't buying it, "What's with the look, I'm fine."

"You just sighed again! That's the tenth time today, and we literally just got back from breakfast!" Rory yelled, worried about me. I looked down the truth was that there was something on my mind, but it was selfish and I'm a glitter force warrior.

"It's nothing really." I said and smiled a little more. Rory looked over at me sad and still worried.

"You know you can tell me if something is bothering you, right?" Rory asked. I nodded.

"Don't worry I will." I said he smiled at me. I will most of the time. I just need to keep this to myself, sorry Rory.

"Alright, what do you want to do today?" Rory asked. I thought about it what did I want to do? We were on summer break, so no homework. I had done all my chores the day before, so what to do. You know what, what else should you do during summer except go to the beach.

"What do you think of another beach day?" I asked. Almost immediately Rory's eyes started sparkling. Going to the beach always helped clear my head.

"That sounds great! Should we invite the others?!" Rory said excited. It was good to see him happy, it was much better than him being worried. I don't know if I wanted to go with the girls. I mean we had gone to the beach together around three days ago, and had plans to go again next week.

"Let's go just you and me. We are going with the others next week so they won't feel left out. Besides I think Maya is beached out." I started to laugh thinking about how Maya had burned up all her energy last trip.

"That's fair. I hope their heads are feeling better." Rory said laughing with me. I quickly remembered us playing volleyball and Regina and Maya both tried to get the ball and hit each other head on.

"I hope so to." I agreed. You now it's good we could still go to the beach and laugh at those silly mistakes. It meant we were still regular clumsy kids. It meant things were back to normal for the most part. I mean we have to deal with news reporters now, but I'll take them over a distain any day. Suddenly I heard Rory groan, "Something wrong?" I asked.

"Yeah I just don't want to run into any more enemy's who have lost their memory's." Rory said shaking his head annoyed.

"Neither do I." I replied. That had been a mess to explain to the girls, and super embarrassing for me!

"Are you an angel?" Ira's voice filled me head. Why did he say that? He was so different with amnesia. He was nicer, and gave compliments.

"You okay? Your face is a tomato." Rory asked with his eyes narrowed, "Your thinking about what Ira said aren't you?" Rory said upset. He definitely didn't like Ira.

"You are the one who brought it up." I said trying to reduce my blush.

"Okay fair." Rory said crossing his arms, "So are we going?" Rory continued back to his smile.

"Yeah let me gab my shoes then we can." I said and walked back to the entrance. I sat down and started to put on my shoes.

"Oh did Kippie tell you she managed to transform into her human form!" Rory said excitedly floating to my side.

"No she didn't. That's great!" I knew that the pixies had been trying super hard to get there human forms, it was good they were getting results, "How is it going for you?"

"I'm getting there, it's a lot harder than Davi makes it look." Rory said matter of factly. I finished tying my shoes and stood up.

"Yay!" Rory said and floated to the door. I walked over to him and reached into my pocket and pulled out the keys. If this trip is based off of my past trips then we were in for an adventure. I mean once Regina became evil again, and the other time we found Ira with amnesia. That's only twice, but that's a lot more than the average person. There was a bright light. I looked up to see the glitter crystal pad with a beach reflected in it.

"Um Rory, you know what's going on?" I asked.

"Looks like it's a short cut to the beach!" Rory said excited not questioning it. You know I might never get used to being a glitter force warrior.

"Alright then let's go." I said and the Glitter crystal pad light up surrounding me and Rory in light. Then I was falling. Yeah I'm never going to get used to this.

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