Filming and Teasing

51 1 15

Ira's POV:

Sirin finished explaining everything to Rachel who nodded and sat down on a bench. Her pixie landed on her lap and the two started to talk. She'll be fine she's beaten me, Marmo, Bel, Riva, Gura, King Mercenare, and Proto Mercenare. Even if those were with her friends no other mercenare is going to come close to what she has faced before. Honesty I should be more concerned for any mercenare who does try to mess with her they would definitely be the ones worse after. I turned back to Sirin reassured.

"We good to start then?" Dustin asked. Sirin looked around walked over to a spot where we couldn't see the sign but could see the front of the store and nodded. Just like that her camera was up and her overwhelming excitement was back.

"Hello my amazing gems! We are all back including Ira finally!" Sirin said. I rolled my eyes we had already filmed several videos together Sirin just seemed to be glad that she wasn't filming just herself and Dustin anymore. He was amazing but not the best on camera so I guess it had been weird to try and film anything. 

"I've been back for awhile now as you very well know." I replied Sirin sighed dramatically.

"But there is so much lost time that we must make up for." She said mocking seriousness. 

"Then we better start making up for it instead of standing around." I retorted. Sirin seemed please with the segue and beamed once more.

"Right you are, let's go!" She called out raising her fist to the air. Little did the audience know that was her signal to me to teleport us to the next location. So I did just that and before she had lowered her arm we were in the store with Marmo standing to the side, just as Dustin had asked her to. 

"So where exactly are we now?" Dustin asked. It was one of the few scripted lines, since he felt more comfortable being given lines to fall back onto if he couldn't think up anything. Sirin had given Rachel a few lines as well so she wouldn't be shoved directly into the chaos that was her show.

"We are at a store that isn't even open to the public yet in order to do a kind of beta test for a very special friend." Sirin continued.

Marmo appeared behind me and smiled over at Sirin, "Really 'very special friend' not the most magical magnificent mercenare who let's you run around doing crazy things in her store for free?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I can redo your introduction if you want me to." Sirin said and Marmo chuckled.

"No need. I'm more than happy to be considered a friend of yours." Marmo said and Sirin nodded. 

"Then why don't we discuss what were doing in your shop today my friend." Sirin continued.

"Well as I said running around doing crazy things would be my guess." Marmo started eyeing us. Dustin gave a small nod not denying it. Sirin simply shrugged.

"Yeah well at least you know what to expect." I replied Marmo nudged her shoulder against me.

"Just because its what I expect doesn't mean you have to do it." She said and before she could continue I cut her off.

"I'm pretty sure it's a requirement from the fans that every video has us running around like bats in a night club." I said and she rolled her eyes at me while she ruffled up my hair. 

"Whatever makes it more fun for everyone I guess." Marmo replied and turned to back to Sirin, "Ideally you will all have fun, show your audience some of our new designs, test out the layout of the store and give my employees some practice before opening day."  Marmo finished. I looked at the screen of the cameras and bit my lip to try and not laugh. Marmo had messed my hair up a lot. It now looked like it did when she had blown both of us up.

"Alright then, we can handle that." Sirin said and turned to Dustin and me. Sirin glanced up at my hair and let out a small snort. I shook my head and tried to straighten it bit, I think it only made it worse.

"Sirin your forgetting something." Dustin said, Sirin turned to him and her eyes widened with realization.

"Your right, thanks for that." Sirin said and turned to Marmo, "Okay so I know you only invited the three of us but Ira ran into somebody. And you know what why don't I leave it up to him to explain?"

Seriously throwing me under the bus much! Fine I guess I do know the situation, Marmo, and Rachel better than Sirin, "Well I ran into someone from earth, and they can't get back because of the barrier. They don't have anything with them so they could use some new clothes, and they are hoping to learn more bout us mercenares and we thought this might be a good way for them to learn. I guess. Is that what we were thinking?" I asked turning to Sirin and Dustin. They both shrugged.

"How would I know I just messed around with technology and signals. " Dustin said and turned to Sirin.

"I mean I did suggest you bring her along, but I just thought it would be fun to hang out with her, and so she wouldn't get lonely." Sirin explained.

"Well I guess add that to the list." I said turning back to Marmo who had been watching us discuss with a raised eyebrow. She looked at me quizzically then smirked slightly. Oh no, I know what that look means.

"You wouldn't have happened to run into a glitter girl?" Oh this is not going to go well, "More specifically you wouldn't have happened to run into the blue, tall, sparkly, super strong one, who you definitely don't have a crush on, right Ira" Marmo asked her smirk remaining in place.

"It might be." I said looking away from her. I hate it when she looked at me like that! And I hate it when she says that I have a crush on her I don't! Oh no that's on camera now. Please tell me Dustin is going to edit it out! Wait if I don't say something about the last part Marmo will hold it above me forever, "At least you got the 'I don't have a crush on her' part right." I continued returning my gaze to her. Yeah her expression hadn't changed at all, she still didn't believe me.

"Of course not Ira." Marmo said and looked around, "Well are you going to bring her here or is she not going to be involved today?" 

"So your okay with her being in your test run?" Sirin said happily.

"Of course I am. I'd love to see her again without having to fight her." Marmo said finally giving a kind smile instead of a smirk.

"Great then Ira if you wouldn't mind." Sirin said. I sighed and teleported outside to Rachel. Why did we have to go to Marmos shop today! Literally any other shop or activity could have been fine, but no we had to go to Marmo. The one mercenare who will embarrass, tease, and harass me about non existing crushes the most!

"What happened to your hair?" I turned around at the sound of Rachel's laughter. Right Marmo the magnificently annoying had messed it up. But I guess it was worth having messed up hair to see Rachel laugh. Maybe just maybe it would all be alright.

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