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Fleurs POV:
I went over to Iras' door to see if he was ready for dinner. Instead, I noticed that the door next to it was open, just a crack. I lightly pushed on the door and was met with the smell of the garden and the sight of my brother and Rachel relaxing on the bed, eyes closed. The little blue pixie was lying on the pillow. They all looked peaceful. I sat down next to Ira and simply layed down.
"Dinner?" Ira asked. I hummed in response.
"We can give it a few minutes." I said, and we did. It was wonderful, the rustling of the curtain in the wind, the floral smell. The company of my brother, a pixie from Splendorious, and a human from earth.
"Alright then, time to go." Ira said, sitting up. I let out a groan. Ira gently pushed my side. I sat up and saw Rachel standing and walking twords the door. She opened it, and we all walked out.
"Alright then, quiz time. Can you remember the way to the dining room?" I asked. Rory turned to Rachel.
"I think I do." Rachel said and started to lead the way. She did a good job of it. Every once in a while, she would stop, look around, and then continue. We walked into the dining room to see mom, dad, and Richard all sitting on one side already.
"Oh, hello again." Richard said, looking at Rachel. Oh no, they've met. This was a nightmare!
"Hello." Rachel said and me and Ira sat down. Ira across Richard Rachel across from mom and me across from dad. At the end of the table was a smaller plate set up for Rory, right next to me.
"You two have met?" Ira asked. Richard nodded.
"I was looking for a book Penny hid and met her." Richard explained I nodded.
"Find it yet?" I asked. I know for a fact he hasn't because it is sitting on my bed.
"Not yet." Richard shrugged, "I'll have to ask her tonight."
"You're having another party?" Ira said. Richard nodded.
"He has permission." Dad said. I leaned over to see Ira. Who gave me the same annoyed look.
"Hey Fluer, want to join me at the end of the hall far away from Richard's room." Ira offered. I put my finger on my chin, pretending to think.
"But the dress room." I said and sighed, "I guess I shall put up with the ear torture." I said, causing Richard to laugh sarcastically.
"It isn't that bad you two." Mom said, then turned to Rachel, "I forgot to ask earlier. Do you have any allergies?"
"None." Rachel replied. Mom nodded.
"That's good to hear. By the way, my name is Emilia, and this is my husband, Pathos." Mom introduced.
"Nice to meet you both." Rachel said, and the doors opened. Orion walked in with seven plates floating behind him. One landed in front of each of us.
"I didn't know what the human would want, so I made a simple salad." Orion said. We all nodded, "when you have the time, please stop by the kitchen and tell me what you like and dislike." Orion continued, twords Rachel.
"Of course, thank you!" Rachel said happily.
"Orion!" I called out. He turned to me with a smile.
"Fleur!" He called back.
"Your so considerate." I continued.
Without missing a beat, Orion replied, "You're so kind." I waved at him, and he walked out.
We all started to eat , and Ira pulled out his phone. Rachel looked at it curiously. I guess they have different technology on Earth.
"Ira." Mom said with her eyebrow raised.
"Sorry, Dustin was trying to send signals to Earth to communicate with the other members of the glitter force. It didn't work." Ira replied, typing quickly.
"Oh." Rachel said sighed, "Guess we'll find something else. Thank you for trying."
"No problem." Ira replied then groaned. He finished typing something, then after a moment, put it away.
"Explination." Richard said.
"Sirin is being Sirin." Ira said, with a shrugg, "Nothing to important." Ira continued.
"Alright then. Rachel, do you know what you are going to do while you are here?" Dad asked. Rachel shook her head.
"Sorry, but I know nothing about the mercainers or the Gokai Kingdom." Rachel said. Mom turned to Ira with a pointed look.
"If you want, you can hang out with me and my friends. We are going to meet up tomorrow. Just know that they are unique." Ira said. Rachel nodded.
"That sounds great." Rachel said, nodding.
"Also, how comfortable are you with being recorded and being on tv?" Ira asked.

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