Our Heroes

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Ira's POV:

I looked at the charm in Rachels hand. There was a small picture of a pair of books and string around them, "So what exactly is it going to do?" I asked the picture on the charm not giving much of an explanation.

"No idea, the best way to find out what they do is normally to just use them." Rachel explained stepping into her room. Her pixie was sitting on the bed rubbing his eyes. It looked like he had just gotten up, "Morning Rory, We have a charm we need to use." Rachel said. With a puff of blue smoke the pixie turned into a glitter pad. I stood on the balcony and looked around before stepping into her room. There was another puff of smoke and a book fell onto the bed.

"Why do we have a book?" Rory asked drowsily.

"No idea, maybe reading it will tell us what the girl are up to?" Rachel said and opened it The front page was blank, and the next, and the one after. She thumbed through the enter book, it was completely blank. I looked at it it looked a tad familiar.

"I think it's a journal." I said realizing it looked a lot like the ones me and my siblings had been given through the years.

"Guess we should write in it then?" Rachel said looking around. I opened the drawer of the desk and handed her a pen. She sat down and took the pen. She tapped the page thinking. She turned to me with a questioning look.

"Hello this is Rachel?" I offered, when I wrote in journals  I always imagined it was me writing to my future self, so is seemed to fit. She shrugged and wrote it down. A few seconds later Rachel let our a gasp. Words formed under hers, words she hadn't written.

"What is it?" Rory asked floating over.

"Maya responded." Rachel said. I looked at the messy handwriting, yeah I could see that being hearts writing.

"What did she say!" Rory said waking up.

"She said where are you we have all been so worried." Rachel read she grabbed the pen and started to write quickly. 'I am in the Gokai Kingdom, don't worry I'm safe. I can't leave for another 8 days though.'

' Glad to hear you are safe, but where is that, and why can't you come back home?' Maya wrote back.

Rachel paused again then sighed and continued to write slowly this time, 'It's the mercainer kingdom, and they have a kind of force field stopping mercainers, and me, from teleporting out.'

There was a moment before a mess of witting appeared, 'Are you sure you are safe! I'm sure that we could find a way to get to you, or a way for you to come back! Me and the others will do everything we can to help you!'

"Wow they really don't trust us." I said under my breath Rachel turned to me.

"I didn't even mention that I was staying with you. Imagine how freaked out they will be when they find out." Rachel said my eyes widened. Yeah that wasn't going to be fun I can totally see Spade and Ace storming the castle to rescue their friend.

Rachel turned back to the book and I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to it and turned to Rachel she nodded and resumed her conversation. I opened the door and once more Fleur walked in.

"Oh hey Ira, hey Rachel." Fleur said. Rachel looked up and waved before turning back to her book and reading, she let out a sigh and picked up her pen, "What's going on?" Fleur asked watching Rachel.

"She's talking to her friend." I said and turned to Fleur who gave me an annoyed look waiting for more, "A glitter charm appeared that let her write to her friend." I said with a shrug.

"Okay." Fleur said slowly then shook her head, "I just came over to tell you that breakfast is ready, and to drop these off." Fleur handed me Rachel's dried and cleaned clothes.

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