History, braids, and Ice cream

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Rorys POV:

I was as Rachel stood between the two. She didn't even raise a hand or say a word. She simply looked at each of them and they stopped talking.

"What are you even arguing about?" Rachel asked confused. Fleur looked at Ira annoyed.

"He wasn't acting princely twords you." Fleur said a hand on her hip just like Ira did.

"The entire point of going to Splendorius and Earth was to be the villain." Ira said with the same pose. They were defiantly related.

"Okay I'm still confused. Can you explain what you mean by that?" Rachel asked Ira.

"Yeah explain. You should have as soon s they defeated Proto Mercainer." Fleur said annoyed. Ira sighed and nodded.

"Alright I'll explain." Ira said and stopped to think, "Well as you have probably put together my parent are the King and Queen. They knew that King Mercainer was going to come back and would not be please with the fact that, one there is a new royal family, and two that we have shifted to be more friendly." Ira said slowly, "So they decided that a few mercainers would go to make it look like everything was normal. I grew up learning to fight, so I am really good. They decided that I would go. Along with other skilled fighters."

"So you were acting the entire time?" I asked sitting down on Rachel's shoulder. Ira nodded. I don't know why but that's a relief. My shoulders seemed lighter.

"Good to know." I said quietly. I floated behind Rachel and looked at her hair. It was a mess, "Can we take care of this?" I asked pointing to it. Ira and Fleur looked at each other then walked past Rachel to look at her hair.

"Oh dear. We can continue this conversation in my room, I have lot's of stuff for hair care." Fleur said walking over to the door and gesturing to us. we all followed her and we walked down the halls in silence. We then walked into her room. It was identical to Ira's except she had white see through curtains over her bed. She also had a lot of bean bags laid out. Ira sat down on a bean bag while Fleur opened a door.

"Sit on the bed Rachel." Fleur said and come out with her arms full of hair supplies, "I'm not great, but I can do a pretty braid."

"That's perfect thank you." Rachel replied, "So Ira any reason you never mentioned you are royalty?" Rachel asked as Fleur sprayed Rachel's hair with something before picking up the hair brush.

"Didn't see a need to. Regina would have killed me if she found out, and you were my enemy." Ira simply shrugged.

"I think your parents need to rethink who they hire. Riva and Gura got really close to defeating us and I don't think they were going to stop." I said remembering the distain tree. Fluer groaned and Ira took a deep breath.

"They were not hired. We all hate them they managed to teleport over before the barrier went up. One of the reasons we put it up was so others who still cling to the old ways wouldn't go over and fight as well." Ira said shakking his head.

"The old ways?" Rachel asked

"The ways of Proto Mercainer. Selfishness, hate, and violence." Ira said explained. Rachel nodded making Fluer tap her head with the hair brush.

"Sorry." Rachel said quickly. We sat in silence again. Fluer was good at hair styling. Once Rachel's hair was all straight she started to braid it. Once She finished Rachels hair was in a crown braid wrapped around the back of her head.

"It looks amazing!" I said smiling. Rachel smiled.

"Thank you Fleur." Rachel said then stood up, "So is there anything I should know about talking to you parents?" Rachel asked. Fleur and Ira sat thinking.

"I mean the basics, introduce yourself, explain the situation, be polite, don't be scared." Ira listed and stood up.

"Try to keep good posture, but don't worry after everything Ira has told us about you you will be fine." Fleur said walking over to the door.

"Wait do you talk about Rachel a lot?" I asked Ira who shrugged, but his face was ever so slightly pinker. Oh great.

"I mean I had to tell my parents about everything that happened and once I told them about the amnesia incident they wanted to know everything about Rachel." Ira said and held the door open for us.

"Yeah if I told my mom about that she would probably want as much information on you as possible." Rachel replied. Yeah we still haven't exactly told her parents. It is going to be interesting when we do.

"I still think it's weird you know her favorite ice cream flavor, stoker." Fleur commented leading the way.

"Wait you know my favorite flavor of ice cream?" Rachel said stopping.

"Regina became obsessed with it and Maya. She kept complaining about when they were hanging out she was talking about you girls and your favorite flavors." Ira commented.

"And you remembered?" I said floating ahead to see his face. Yeah still pink, maybe a bit more pink actually.

"Well yeah it wasn't hard a lot of people like mint." Ira continued. I guess that's a reason, but did he only remember Rachel's favorite?

"What's Clara's favorite?" I asked. Let's get some answers.

"Caramel." Ira said simply not even taking a second to think. He was correct. Okay so he doesn't only focus on Rachel that's good. Still creepy he remembers though.

"Alright then just down the stairs and down a hall then we are there." Fleur said as we started to go down the stairs.

"Alright then thanks." Rachel replied we all went quite. I hope they send us home if they don't then the others are going to worry.

"We'll back you up, but our parents like it when people stand up for them selfless." Ira explained as we turned down a hall and saw the throne room. It was beautiful. It was white with gold detail painted and purple flowers on the bottom.

"Ready?" Fleur asked turning to face us. Ira did the same. Honestly seeing him standing in front of the fancy room wearing fancy cloths standing next to Fleur. He is definitely a prince.

"Yeah let's do this." Rachel said taking a deep breath and walking forward into the room. Now we could see the thrones. There were two big chairs and three smaller ones to the side of them. Sitting in the two big chairs was a mercainer women and man. Both wearing fancy clothes. Is everything about this place fancy? They also had crowns on their heads. They turned to us and looked to each other confused.

"Well this is interesting." The Women said lightly. Good luck Rachel.

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