Chapter 1

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"Babe! Blueberry! Wakey~"
"Ngh~ Leave me alone Katsu~" I covered my face with my blanket.
"No! Wake the fuck up!" The blanket got pulled off of me. I sat up with a groan and stared at my most beloved amazing boyfriend who was also annoying Katsuki.
"Katsu!" I groaned. I made grabby hands at him and he chuckled. He came towards me, grabbed me from under my armpits and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I leaned my head on his shoulder and tried falling asleep again.
"Baby~ Wake up."
"Don't you have school?" I asked him rubbing my finger against his t-shirt.
"We got our Summer break early this time."
"Yay! We get to hang out the whole Summer!"
"Yea! I have everything planned out! We're going to have the best break ever." He chuckled and kissed my cheek.
"Your parents had to go somewhere for work, so let's go for breakfast."
"Ok! Let me change-"
"Alright." He sat on the sofa in my room while I went to my bathroom.

" He sat on the sofa in my room while I went to my bathroom

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"I'm ready!" I did a little twirl for Katsu.
"Isn't that a little too short?" He asked me with a small frown.
"But I like it," I whispered.
He stared at me for a while and then sighed.
"Fine." He muttered and kissed me. 
"Let's go."

We walked through the streets of Paris, holding hands, talking and laughing. 
We entered a cute cafe and took our seats.
"Same thing as always love?" Katsuki asked me.
"Yes, please." I smiled and he went to order. 
I took out my phone and started scrolling through social media.
"Alright, it'll be a few minutes."
"Awesome." I smiled and put down my phone, knowing Katsuki doesn't like being on devices together. 
"So what's the plan for the break?"
"You won't believe it."
"Tell me." I smiled excited now.
"Here." He passed me the keys.
"....gasp Did you get me a car!?" He chuckled.
"No love. You have me, to drive you around. You don't need a car. But these are keys to a....beach house!"
"No way!"
"Our own-"
"Yes!" I squealed and hugged him tightly. 
"For how long?"
"The whole Summer." He smirked.
"I love you!" He chuckled.
"I love you too Blue." He pecked my palm.
"Oh so very much." He muttered leaving his lips against my palm.
"I'll be back." He went to get our orders. 

"Thank you

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"Thank you." I smiled at him and took a well-needed sip of my coffee. 
"So when will we be leaving?"
"Next week. So we have to pack, ok? I already let your parents know."
"Nice." I smiled and took a bit out of my croissant. 
"Ooh~" I looked at the croissant.
"It's almond croissant. Like it?"
"Love it." I smiled and took another bite. 

ring ring
I looked at my phone but Katsuki took it and put it in his pocket.
"We don't use our phones when we are together, remember?"
"Yes, I know, but what if it were my parents?" He checked.
"It's not."
"Than who?"
"No one. Why do you care? When we are together-"
"No phones, I get it," I mumbled and sipped my coffee. 
"Hey." He put his hand on my hand that's on the table.
"I'm just doing this so we don't ignore each other because of social media."
"I know. I'm sorry." I sighed and opened my mouth for the spoon of cream Katsuki fed me. 

LOVE ME MORE!!! (Yandere Bakugou x Marinette)Where stories live. Discover now