Chapter 7

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"Oh my god, girl. You have GOT to try this tart!" After my and Katsuki's little fun, we all decided to go out for a while. 
"Oh! Sure!" I grabbed the tart from her and looked at it. 
"Give it to me."
"Give." Katsuki put his hand out.
"But why? I think I'll like this one-"
"It doesn't matter. You didn't want to eat the breakfast I made you. You don't deserve to eat anything else."
"What?" He took the tart out of my hand and started eating it.
"Katsuki. That's not fair!"
"Totally is. You were being ungrateful about the food I cooked you. You don't get to eat anything else. End of discussion." He said and grabbed my hand. 
"I....." I huffed and tried crossing my arms but Katsuki kept his hold on my hand. 
I sighed and glared at the floor. 

The whole day, every time someone came to give me something to eat, Katsuki would pretend everything was okay but the moment they left, he would take it from me and eat it himself. 
"Katsuki, please. I'm hungry." I laid my head against his arm feeling light-headed. 
"Shut it." He muttered looking down at his phone.
"What happened to the rule, that we can't be on our devices when together?" I asked glaring at him.
He sighed, looked around and then bent towards my face.
"Listen here you ungrateful little shit. I made you food. You decided to be a brat and not want it. So this is your punishment for that. Don't show me an attitude." He glared and spoke to me like a mother would to her child when in trouble.
"I. Hate. You." I seethed.
"Good for you. Nothing changes." He said and pulled me to walk. 

"Let's go get lunch at this restaurant. It looks pretty cool."
"Sure." Everyone agreed and we all entered the simple yet fancy restaurant. 
We get a table and sit down with menus. Everyone was looking through them while I stared at Katsuki.
"Katsu? Please." I whispered.
"No." He muttered while looking through his menu.
"Please, Katsu? I love you." I whispered in his ear and pecked his cheek.
"That's not what you said this morning. Or earlier." 
"But...I was mad.." I whispered with a frown.
"Not my problem love. Now listen. When the waiter comes, you say you're not hungry. Got it?"
".... OK," I muttered and laid my head against his arm with a pout. 

"Hello, folks. What would you guys like to order?"
While everyone said their orders I just sat there.
"And the pretty lady?" I sighed, Wrong move dude.
"I won't be eating," I muttered and snuggled into Katsuki's arm to stop him from getting up.
"Are you sure, girl?"
"Yeah." I sighed and hugged Katsuki's arm tighter. 
Everyone's order came in 5-10 minutes and the table smelt amazing. 

Katsuki ordered this sandwich with cheese all over it and a bowl of fries

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Katsuki ordered this sandwich with cheese all over it and a bowl of fries.
I looked at Katsuki thinking he might feed me a fry but nothing. 

After a while, I decided to get up.
"I'm going to go outside."
"But-" I just walked off feeling my head get fuzzy.
I walked out into the light wind and put my hand against the wall.
"Marinette." I heard Katsuki's voice and then black. 

Katsuki's POV:
I ran to catch her before her head hit the floor and sighed.
She got lightheaded. 
I lifted her up bridal style and started walking home. 

"Stupid little girl," I muttered looking down at her face.
"Should've just eaten your breakfast that I made you," I muttered again and gave her a squeeze.

I laid her down in bed and tucked her in. I pushed the strands of hair from her face and to behind her ears.  
"You're so beautiful...but so stubborn," I whispered and pecked her cheek. 

"Yo Agreste."
"Yeah, man?" He looked up from the TV.
"I need to go outside and get wood for the fireplace in my room. Marinette likes the aesthetic feeling so yeah. Need some help."
"Oh, sure. Anything for Marinette." He smiled and I forcefully smiled back. 
We walked outside and to the back of the house where a forest was. 
"How much wood do you guys need?"
"Just a bit." I shrugged and kept walking forward.
"Why are we going so deep in?"
"Because. The good wood is back there."
" how long have you and Marinette been dating?"
"Two years."
"Do you like-"
"I love her. And she loves me."
"Oh wow..."
"What about you?" I asked.
"Do you like her?"
"Yea of course. She's a really good friend."
"Yeah...anyways. Where is my axe?"
"For what?"
"For cutting wood?"
"You won't need it. You'll carry them back."
"Oh ok." I walked off without saying anything and he didn't notice.
I walked slowly around him and to the back.
"Bakugou? Hey man, where'd ya go?" I walked closer to him from behind and swung.

Marinette's POV:

"Hey, love." I opened my eyes to see Katsuki and a nicely lit fire.
"Hey. What happened?"
"You fainted. I'm sorry love. It's just, that you didn't eat my food so I-"
"It's ok. I won't do that again. Can I eat-"
"Of course. Here." He gave me a huge plate of pasta and garlic bread. 
"Just the way you like it, love." He smiled and pecked my temple. 
"Bakugou? Adrien still didn't come back. It's been an hour." Nino said coming in.
"What? Where did he go?"
"I took him with me to grab wood. He said he'd be back and went towards the beach. He's probably still there." Katsuki shrugged. 
"But it's dark out now. Really dark."
"I don't give a fuck about him. If you care so badly you can go find him."
"Katsuki." I glared.
"Don't worry Nino. We'll go look for him."
"Thanks." He walked out and I stood up, eating my food.
"Let's go."
"Why?" He asked while I went to change into something warmer.
"Because. He's our friend."
"Yours. Not ours."
"Ugh, whatever." 

After changing, I grabbed the plate of my food and ate while walking downstairs

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After changing, I grabbed the plate of my food and ate while walking downstairs. 
"Let's go. Adrien's probably hurt or something." I muttered and put my plate away.

Let the search begin. 

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