Chapter 11

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"I'm ready!" I said walking downstairs with my beach bag

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"I'm ready!" I said walking downstairs with my beach bag.
"Where the fuck is your cover-up?" Katsuki came to me in a button-down with some of the buttons open and beige pants. 

"I thought since the beach is nearby I don't need to wear a cover-up

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"I thought since the beach is nearby I don't need to wear a cover-up. And, everyone walks around in their bikinis." I shrugged.
"So? Go get a cover-up. You're not walking around naked."
"I'm not naked! And I'm not walking around. I'm going to the damn beach!"
"Watch your fucking attitude." He glared making me glare back. 

"Ok guys, cool it. We're all tense and upset with what's been going on lately. Let's just take a deep breath-"
"Shut up." Katsuki went through his beach bag pulled out a t-shirt and threw it at me.
"Put that the fuck on!" He yelled and walked toward the front door.
"Ugh." I groaned and pulled the t-shirt on myself. 
"Does he...always treat you like that?" Eijiro asked quietly.
"Is he always this crazy possessive around you?"
"Oh, yeah. Most of the time if I wear something revealing. But it's fine." I shrugged not that bothered by his behaviour.
"But to me, it seems like he's toxic. should be able to wear whatever you want without him getting angry. I just-"
"Can you both hurry the fuck up?" Katsuki snapped.
"I'm coming! Please don't talk bad about my boyfriend. I understand your concern, but we're fine." I smiled gently and ran to catch up with Katsuki. 

"The beach is packed today," Hanta said looking around. 
"Mhm.." I hummed. We all looked around trying to find an empty spot.
Katsuki was beside me not talking to me at all. 
"Over there!" I pointed at an empty spot next to a volleyball net, where a few boys were playing. 
"Awesome!" We all walked there hoping no one else would take the spot.
Once we got there, we started setting up our stuff. 
I put my beach blanket and towel on the floor and put my bag down as well. 
I slowly pulled Katsuki's shirt off my body and threw it onto my beach blanket. 
"You go, girl!" I heard wolf whistles making me turn my head to see the boys, who were playing Volleyball, looking at me now. 
"Oh...thanks." I blushed and tried shrinking into myself. 
"You are so fucking beautiful!"
"No need to be shy!"
I turned my head to see Katsuki's reaction. He was bent down crushing a can of soda into the cooler with a frown. 

I decided to ignore the guys and just put my stuff away properly.
"I'm going to swim. Anyone coming?"
"Me!" Mina screamed while dropping her hoodie onto the floor and running past me. 
"Wait up!" I squealed and ran after she rushed into the cold water. 

Katsuki's POV:

I grabbed another can of soda, after destroying my last one, and took a sip. 
I looked at the water to see my girlfriend swimming around.
Fuck, she makes me so mad sometimes. 
"They are so hot."
"Damn right, they are."
"I'm crushing more on the blue-headed one. Fuck her eyes are such a turn-on!" I heard those fucking dogs talk.
"Right! Do you think she'll give me her number? Just fucking imagine her big blue eyes staring up at me with her mouth full of cock! Fuck~" He moaned making me clench my fist around my can. 
"I think one of them has to be her boyfriend."
"If she did have a boyfriend, they would be together in the water."
"Makes sense. Then you should give it a shot."
"And let me know how good she is."
"Fuck what if she's a virgin?"
"Even fucking better!"
I snapped my can and threw it onto the sand.
"Bakubro-" Eijiro tried stopping me but I went and grabbed two of the boys's hairs and smacked them together.

"What the fuck!?" I kicked the other one in the leg making them fall and then I kicked their face.
I kicked the other one in between his legs and then started punching his face.
"Hey! Get off!" Someone tried pulling me off but I just punched them in the nose with my elbow.
"Katsuki! Katsuki get off!" I kept punching them, destroying their faces. 
I felt a tinge of pain in my back making me drop to the ground in pain.
"Fuck..." I groaned feeling my eyes close.

Marinette's POV:
"What did you do!?" I yelled running to Katsuki.
"We had to tase him. He was getting out of control." The lifeguards said smoothly.
"I was coming! I could have stopped him! You didn't have to hurt him!" I yelled angrily and cradled Katsuki's head on my lap. 
"Sweetheart, he's a fucking monster. He destroyed these guys's faces and bodies. If you're dating him, I feel sorry for you." I scoffed, stood up and slapped him across the cheek.
"Fuck! Watch it you fucking bitch! I can fucking tase you too!"
"Because that's the only thing you can do!"
"Man, stop it. She's provoking you." The other guards pulled him back.
I sighed and petted Katsuki's head.
"I'm sorry, Katsu." I kissed his cheek. 

Katsuki's POV:

I groaned and opened my eyes to see myself in a cell.
"What the fuck?" I sat up feeling pain in my head.
"Where am I? Hello! Anyone there? Get me the fuck out of here!" I banged against the bars.
"You're awake. You have to stay in the cell for 48 hours. Two days if you didn't know."
"And why the fuck do I have to stay here for 48 hours?"
"Because you assaulted 6 boys at the beach. And you were out of control."
"What about my girlfriend? Short, with dark blue hair?"
"She and her friends were escorted back home by another officer. Your little girlfriend was struggling and very stubborn, wanting to stay here."
"Did you guys hurt her?"
"No. Now rest." And then the officer left. 
"Fuck." I sighed and rubbed my face. 

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