Chapter 19

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(Short chapter. Had writers block.)

I woke up with a gasp.
I looked around and looked down at my ankle to see if it was a dream.
"Nope...." I sighed seeing the white wrap around my ankle. 
I rubbed my face feeling my head ache.
I looked out the window to see it was dark.
I tried finding my phone to maybe call someone, like my dad. 
I heard the door knob move and then it opened.
"Sleep well, love?" Katsuki walked in with a tray.
"....." I stared at him.
He set the tray over my lap and sat down in front of me.
"Hey, Blue. Ready to eat?" He smiled at me.
How could he act so normal after slapping me and snapping my ankle?  
"Where's my phone?" I whispered.
"You don't need it, Blue. Now open wide."
"No. I want my phone."
"I said no. Now open." He tried feeding me the curry but I kept dodging.
"Can you stop being fucking difficult and let me fucking feed you?"

"......Eijiro! Kaminari! Help!" I screamed so loudly.
"What the fuck?" Katsuki stared at me.
"What's wrong?"
"We heard screaming!"
"She's fine!"
"Can you guys help me out of the room?"
"Fuck, what happened to your ankle?"
"I....tripped. Nw help me out."
"Take another step forward...and I'll break your arm.."
"Ok..." They left slowly making me frown.

"I hate you. So very much. You hurt me. Slapped me and broke my ankle. How could you act so normal? You hurt me. Do you understand?"
"I didn't hurt you. I did all of that because I love you. If I didn't do anything, you would've started leaving and walking away from me!"
"I was never going to do that!" I frowned.
"Can you just forget about it?"
"No, you hurt me! I think we need a break. You need to cool off and understand that I'm your girlfriend, not your property! So once you give me my phone back, I'm going to call my dad to pick me up."
".....Do you want to leave me even after I did all of this? Hah? Is what I do never enough!? I do everything for you! I love you! We've been together for two damn years and you want to throw it all away?! Why! I love you so fucking much!" He dropped to his knees sobbing making my heart crack. 
"I just don't want to fucking lose you. I don't want you to find someone else better than me. Please. I have so many issues that I know you'll be able to find someone better. But, please don't leave me! Please, I love you too much for you to leave me." He sobbed and heaved on the floor.

I sighed and stared down at his body.
"Katsu?" I whispered making him look up with tears on his face.
"C'mere." He immediately came and I hugged him tightly.
"I love you so much." I whispered into his chest making him choke out a sob into my neck.
"I would never ever leave you, Katsuki." He nodded into my neck.
"But, please...never ever touch me like that again. Or else we'll be done for good. Promise me."
"I promise.." He whispered and snuggled into my neck.
"I love you, Katsu."
"I love you too, Blue...."

"I'm so sorry." He muttered while helping me down the steps.
"Mhm." I wasn't going to say it was ok for that.
"What do you want to do?" It was late and everyone was sleeping besides us.
"I want to watch t.v."
"Sure." He helped me sit down on the sofa and turned on the t.v.
"Yes, please." I looked for a show to watch while Katsuki grabbed snacks. 

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