Chapter 8

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We looked everywhere at the beach. There was no one there because it was dark. 
"Adrien! Where ya at!?"
"Hi! We can't find our, friend. He's blonde with green eyes. About this tall. Adrien." I told the workers.
"Alright, we'll start looking for him." They nodded and told their co-workers. 
"I don't get the big deal about this," Katsuki said walking behind me with his hands in his pockets.
"Katsu. This is my friend-"
"Ex-crush." He muttered with a scoff. 
"Katsuki. Enough." I said sternly.
"Whatever." He shrugged.  

We looked around for a whole hour and couldn't find anything. 
"I'm getting really worried now."
"I've been calling his cell. He's not picking up."
"Ugh, Katsuki! Why couldn't you just bring him home when you came home?"
"Oi! This has nothing to do with me! He's the one who wanted to stay back."
"Yea? Why'd you need fucking wood anyways!?"
"Guys! Stop yelling at him. He went to get wood for the fireplace and Adrien went to help him. Adrien shouldn't have left on his own. Let's just keep looking." I stated angrily and grabbed Katsuki's hand. 
"Let's go."

"Let's go to that cave. He might've sat down there and fallen asleep."
"Sure." Katsuki shrugged and walked behind me. 
I entered the weird cave that was filled with water but had rocks on the edges to walk on.
I walked in while Katsuki stood behind me. I bent down to look into the water. 
"Huh....." I put my hand inside the water seeing something floating around. 
"Oh my god!"
"What? What? Are you hurt?" Katsuki came running in holding my shoulders.
"No! I think this is Adrien!"
"Help me pull him up."
"Fuck fine." We grabbed onto his body and pulled him up.
"Guys! Guys! We found Adrien!" I shouted. 

We pulled him onto the rocks and I looked at his body.
"Hah!" I stared with wide frightened eyes. 
"Shit." Katsuki cursed and covered my face.
"Sh sh, baby." Katsuki rocked me back and forth.
"Guys!? Where is he?"
"Bro! Fuck! What the fuck! Adrien!" Everyone fell around him. His dead body. His body with half a head. His brain was falling out with blood. 
"Who the fuck would do this!?"
"Adrien! Man! Fuck!" Nino sobbed. 
I turned to look but Katsuki held my face to his chest.
"Don't look love." He muttered in my ear. 
"Someone call help," Ashido said.
"I will." Eijiro ran off. 
"This is some fucked up shit! Adrien why the fuck did you have to be alone!?"
I just sat there with my face in Katsuki's chest.
"Let me go," I muttered trying to look.
"No." He held me there. 

"Alright, thank you guys for finding him. The ambulance has been called but...I think he's gone. Not even the doctors can help him. He was murdered."
"Did you guys have these kinds of killings before?" Alya asked.
"No actually. This is a first. We're sorry for your loss." They bowed lightly and walked off, to greet the ambulance.
"I....I can't believe he's gone."
"Just like that."
"What are we supposed to tell his dad? He's going to kill us."
"Shit, his dad. Ugh!"
I sighed and cuddled into Katsuki's body.
"You ok, love? Want to go back?"
"No.." I whispered.
"I just miss him.
"What do you mean why? Whatever. I can't deal with you right now."
"Oi. Don't act up just because Blondie is fucking dead."
"Ugh." I groaned and crossed my arms. 

"Hey, kids. What seems to be the problem?" The ambulance and policemen came. 
"Ahh, what happened here?"
"This is our friend. We found him dead in that cave! He went for a walk alone but never came back so we went searching for him! And now he's dead! His head is literally sliced open! We didn't know you guys had murderers."
"I see. Well, your friend is dead now. Where did you find him?"
"In that cave. In the water."
"Got it. Jeremy."
"On it." A cop walked to the cave. 
"You kids go over there for questioning. We'll handle your friend over here."
"Oh...alright." We all went to the side where two cops stood.

One female and one male looked at all of us with their notepads. 
"Alright, where were you kids before?"
"We just came back from hanging out in town and decided to rest at our beach house."
"Our." Katsuki interrupted.
"Well yeah, their beach house. And then Katsuki and Adrien went out to get wood for the fireplace. Katsuki came back but Adrien decided to go for a walk to the beach. A few hours passed when we realized he wasn't back yet. So we went to look for him. A few hours later we found him in the cave. And yea."
"I see. Where were you?" She asked me.
"She was asleep. Passed out from lack of eating during the day." Katsuki said coming in front of me.
"I asked the girl." The lady said sternly. 
"Well, I fucking answered."
"Ok, you both. Where were you, boy?" The man asked Katsuki.
"I was making dinner for my girlfriend and then went out for wood. She likes an aesthetic feeling in the room. I asked Agreste to come with me 'cause I'll need help carrying the wood. Once we got back home, he said he'd go for a walk to the beach and left. And then I just went inside and carried on with my night. Didn't like the fucking blondie anyways." Katsuki shrugged. 
I stared at Katsuki with wide eyes. How could you say that? They are going to think you're suspicious. 

"Alright. Thank you for your patience. We'll have someone escort you guys home."
"Alright." We nodded and waited for the escort.
After we got an officer, he walked us home.
"Are you cold? I can give you my jacket?" The officer asked me making me look up at Katsuki.
"She's fine." He gritted and wrapped his arm around me.
"I was asking the girl."
"Well, I'm her fucking boyfriend. If she's cold, she'll tell me. Not fucking fucking police officer. Do your fucking job."
"Fuck fine." He muttered and continued walking. 
"Fucking idiot," Katsuki muttered and pecked my head. 

"Alright, here you guys are." The officer muttered and took a picture of the house.
"I'll just do a little look around. Have a good night." He bowed and walked off to look around. 
"Let's hit the sack, you guys."
"Sure." We all nodded and went to our own beds.
Katsuki and I lay in bed. I was starting at the ceiling. 
"What's wrong, love?"
"Katsu, my friend is dead and gone. I want to be sad right now."
"Mhm." He hummed and kissed my neck.
"Not now, Katsu." I pushed him away making him scoff.
"Why? Because your fucking ex is gone?"
"Can you shut up about that? It was in the past. Before I met you. God."
"Don't tell me to shut up." He glared at me.
"You're so annoying sometimes." I turned the other way.
He scoffed and I felt his arms around my body.
"Let go of me." I struggled but all he did was tighten his arms. 
He flipped us over the other way and hugged me to his chest tightly.
"Go sleep, love."
"Ugh." I groaned. 

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