Chapter 20

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We had one week left before Summer Break ended. We were going to go back home during the weekend. It has been a few weeks since the incident with my ankle. It got better thankfully but the memories are still there. I try to hate Katsuki, I do. He had no right to do that to me or anyone. But....I love him too much for that. 

"Open up." I opened my mouth and took a bite out of the chicken sandwich Katsuki made.
I chewed while looking around the beach. Families, couples and friends were all having fun and hanging out. The sun felt nice on my skin. 

"Did I tell you, you looked beautiful today?" Katsuki asked while looking me up and down

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"Did I tell you, you looked beautiful today?" Katsuki asked while looking me up and down.
" about 5 times in the past 10 minutes," I smirked and took a sip out of my water bottle.
Some water spilt and dribbled down my chest and stomach.
"Whoops," I muttered but it felt nice. 
"Fuck...." I looked at Katsuki to see him blushing bright red while looking at me.
"You ok, Katsu?" I asked while leaning forward for another bite.
"Mhm." He hummed and gave me a bite. 

"Fuck~" Katsuki pushed me against the outside wall of the public bathrooms. 
"You look so fucking hot." He groaned and sucked on the skin of my neck as I ground against him.
"Ah~" I threw my head back feeling his hard on hitting the right spot. 
"I need you, fuck, now~"
"No one will see." He muttered and pulled down his shorts just a bit for his dick to spring out. 
"Fuck..." He groaned when I pumped him for a bit while he moved my underwear to the side.
He lined himself up and pushed in, both of us moaning.
"God~" Katsuki put his head against my shoulder and then thrust his hips back and forth fast and hard. 
"Kat-ugh!" I groaned and moaned, clawing at Katsuki's bare back. 
Next thing I know, Katsuki is lifting me with his hands palming my ass cheeks. He goes and starts pounding into me making me let out tears and whines.
"Kat-ah- Katsu~ Fuck..." I groaned feeling pain on my ass cheek.
"No fucking swearing." He grunted and then put his thumb against my clit making me jerk and moan.
"I-I'm going to" Katsuki gripped my throat and pushed my head against the wall.
"Hold it." He growled looking into my eyes.
"I...can't..." I closed my eyes tightly trying to hold it. 
"Hold....fuck...hold it." He gripped my throat tightly making me moan.
"Fuck, let go. Cum." I immediately came and Katsuki kissed me to shut my noises.
I could feel Katsuki's cum inside of me making me feel warm and fuzzy. 

" ok, love?" He set me down slowly and helped clean me up.
"I'm ok." I smiled and ruffled his hair making him scowl. 
"Now that was fucking hot.." I screamed and we both looked to the side to see a guy standing there recording us.
"What the fuck!?" Katsuki growled and pushed me behind him.
"Delete that you fucking pervert!"
"Nah man, this was some fucking show. I'm so fucking hard right now." He moaned while palming his dick.
"You think I can have a chance with her? I'll pay ya?" He even went to grab his wallet from his pocket.
"Baby...leave us."
"I'll meet you later. Just go." He glared at me making me walk away.

Katsuki's POV:

"Come here." I grabbed him with force and pushed him against the wall hard.
"Fuck! What the" I punched him square in the face making him drop his phone.
I crushed it with my foot leaving it in pieces.
"What the heck man!?" I choked his fat neck.
"Don't you ever talk to even look at my fucking girl!"
"Ok ok, I won't!"
"Heh, I know you won't." I grabbed my blade from my pocket and stabbed him in his fucking neck.
"Wha-"  I twisted the blade around and pushed it in deeper. 
He choked on his blood and I dropped him to the ground.
"Don't ever mess with my girl...." I kicked him seeing his chest stop moving.
"Say hello to the other fuckers that messed with my girl," I smirked.
"Hah!?" I froze and my heart stopped beating.

I turned around to see Marinette, my sweet sweet Blueberry. The one I do all this killing for, staring at me with wide frightened eyes.
"Mari-" She started walking backwards, shaking with tears in her eyes.
"I-" She ran off.
"Fuck!" I ran after her.
"Marinette! Stop! Get fucking back here!" She ignored me and kept running.
I ran and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to me.
"No! Stop! Let go of me!" She sobbed trying to run.
"Stop it, Marinette. Don't forget what I did last time you tried running away from me and trust me, I'll do it again." I threatened in her ear noticing people staring at us. 
"Shut up." I lifted her bridal style and started walking off.

"You can't be doing this Katsuki! This isn't right! You will get caught!" She shouted at me while I locked all the doors and windows in the house. No one was home so that was good. I just remembered I dropped my blade right next to the dead man so I know the cops will find me sooner or later. 
"Marinette shut the fuck up for once in your life!"
"....You killed killed people? You said, "Say hello to the others who messed with me"....You killed people for me?"
"Yes ok! I had to! They either hurt you or were going to take you away from me!"
"You killed Adrien! You did!?"
"Yes! Fuck yes! I KILLED ADRIEN, ALYA, NATHANIEL, AND KAI! I killed so much more. But because I love you! Damnit! I love you so fucking much that I would do anything for you. I would do all of that again if you asked me to!"
"....You killed them?" She stared at me with shock and tears running down her face.
"I did. Please, just know that I love you. I love you so much that I would risk my own life for you." I smiled at her with tears in my eyes hearing the police sirens.
"What...what's going on?" I dropped to my knees in front of her.
"I love you so fucking much. Please don't forget me. Please, please. I love you so fucking much. I would do anything for you again in a heartbeat."
"It's the police! Open up! Now!"
"What's going on?"
"They found me..." I whispered to her sadly.
"They found me love." I smiled sadly and hugged her thighs to me.

Marinette's POV:

"I know I promised I would never leave you...but just remember that I will always love you. More than anyone else could ever. And just know, whatever I did-" He said to me while on the floor. 
"We're coming in!"
"Everything I did...-" The door snapped open and men in police uniform ran in with their guns pointed at Katsuki. 
"Was...for you." My body shook.
"Put your hands up!" Three officers came and grabbed Katsuki putting handcuffs on him.
"Katsuki Bakugou. You are under arrest for murder. Whatever you say or do will be used against you in court. You'll be in jail for a real long time, kid." They said.
I stared at Katsuki still in shock and fright.
"Let's go." They dragged him to the door.
"Blueberry! I love you! I'll do anything for you!" He yelled back with a smile and they pushed him out and into the police car.

"We're back!"
"Where's Katsuki?"

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