Chapter 3

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"You what!?"
"I know what the fuck you said! But tell me did NOT fucking invite your friends to our holiday beach house!"
"Fuck!" He groaned and pulled at his hair.
"It's just-" He grabbed my wrist and held it tightly, forcing me to look at him. 
"I'm your fucking boyfriend! Not them! This fucking vacation was for us! Not fucking them! Why the fuck do you always have to fucking include them!?"
"Katsu-" I whimpered feeling pain in my wrist.
"Ugh, you're just a stupid fucking girl!" He threw my wrist away and stomped downstairs to the living room. 

I flinched when he slammed my door shut.
I sighed and looked at the red mark on my wrist.
There were times when Katsuki would physically hurt me. But he'd apologize and we'd be good later on.

I sighed and wiped my tears away.
I went downstairs slowly and saw Katsuki sitting on the couch looking down. 
"Fuck, I'm sorry baby." He gripped his hair.
"I just...I'm not too fond of it when there are other people in our way. I love being with you and only you. I didn't mean to hurt you but I was angry."
"I know, and it's ok." I ran my fingers through his hair.
"Forgive me, baby?" He asked with a pout.
"Of course." He hugged me by my waist and put his face in my stomach. 
"I love you." He snuggled into my stomach.
"I love you too."

"You could invite your friends too."
"So you're not alone. And, I could meet them then."
"First of all, even if they are coming, me and you are going to hang out and leave them to do whatever."
"Alright." I shrugged innocently.
"Fine...they can come since you already invited them." He grumbled.
" Whatever." I sighed.

A few days later:

"C'mon let's go!" I heard Katsuki shout from outside.
"I'm coming!" I shout from my balcony.

"I'm coming!" I shout from my balcony

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"Bye Mama, Papa!"
"Have fun dear." I waved and went outside to see Katsuki fixing the trunk. 

"You ready to go?""Yep

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"You ready to go?"
"Yep." I hugged his arm looking up at him.
"You look beautiful." He murmured and smacked my ass to keep my dress down when the wind came.
"Katsuki!" I squealed while blushing.
"What?" He asked innocently. 
"Ugh." I groaned and pecked his cheek going to my seat.
"Here ya go, love." He opened the door for me and I sat down.
He closed the door after pecking my temple. 

"Let's get going."
"Alya and the guys will meet us there."
"Ugh. I forgot about them."
"Katsu." I shook my head.
"Your friends are coming too right?"
"Yes, they'll meet us there as well." He put his hand on my thigh and we drove off.

LOVE ME MORE!!! (Yandere Bakugou x Marinette)Where stories live. Discover now