Chapter 9

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A few days passed ever since the killing of our friend. The police called his father and explained everything to him making Mr. Agreste curse us out and yell at us. So far everything is ok again. We're all trying to forget about it now since we can't do anything about it. 

I was sleeping in my bed peacefully with Katsuki behind me when...
"Wake up bitch!"
"Shut the fuck up." Katsuki groaned and threw a pillow towards the door. 
"Wake up gurl! We are going out on a girl's day out!"
"Mmm~" I hummed and snuggled into my blanket feeling Katsuki's arms tighten around my body. 
"Marinette. Let's go. Get your ass up."
"Shut up." Katsuki groaned and pushed his face into my hair. 
"You shut up, possessive freak." I heard Alya mutter making Katsuki tense up.
"What the fuck did you just say?" He asked glaring at her.
"I said, shut up, poss-"
"Ok ok, I'm up." I sighed pushing Katsuki down onto the bed. 
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked me while holding onto my waist.
"She's coming with us jerk face!" Alya said.
"Don't you fuck-"
"Katsuki, shush. I'll be down in a few minutes." 
"Fine." Alya and Mina left, shutting the door.

"I don't want you to go," Katsuki whined from outside the shower. He sat on the bathroom countertop while I showered. 
"I know but I think I need to spend some alone time with the girls."
"You can stay back and hang out with the boys. Keep Nino company. He's still upset over-"
"The death of Blondie, I know. He's fucking ruining my mood every time I see his ugly fucking face."
"Katsuki! You're so mean!"
"Whatever. I don't want you to leave me with these idiots!"
"Katsuki, I'm going and that is final. You want me to be happy right?"
"So let me go." I grabbed my towel and got out of the shower, wrapping my towel around my body.
Katsuki was pouting on the countertop with his arms crossed.
I shook my head and went and stood in between his legs.
Due to my height, I just reached Katsuki's stomach. 
"Katsu." I looked up at him.
"Don't be mad. Maybe later tonight, I can give you  a little gift....only if you let me go." I smirked up at him.
"Hm? Really? What type of gift?" He smirked and ran his fingers across the top of my chest.
"A really good gift." I leaned up on my tippy toes, he leaned down a bit, and we kissed. 
He put his palm on my cheek and we kissed for a while. Katsuki pushed his tongue inside of my mouth and roamed around making me moan lightly.
"Hm~" I hummed and sucked on his bottom lip and pulled his hair hard.
"Shit~" He hissed and pecked my lips again.
".....Deal." He sighed and hopped off the counter.
"Help me get ready," I smirked over my shoulder and he just chuckled. 

Katsuki and I walked out of our closet

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Katsuki and I walked out of our closet. I had shaking legs while Katsuki just licked around his mouth with a smirk.
"Not funny." I scowled.
"Don't tease me too much next time." He muttered and slapped my ass making me jump.
"You love it, baby." He smirked down at me making me blush.
"I got to go, they're probably waiting."
"Whatever." He sighed and followed me downstairs. 

"Took you long enough, girl."
"Let's get going now-"
"Eat first," Katsuki said giving me a piece of toast with jam on it.
"We were going to eat later," Alya said.
"Later? No. She eats now." I sighed and just started eating the toast.
"You are such a-"
"Alya, leave him alone. He's just taking care of me."
"Whatever." She scoffed making Katsuki clench his fist. 

"Call me if anything happens."
"I will."
"Promise me."
"I promise. If anything happens, I'll call you."
"Good. I love you." He kissed my forehead and patted my head.
"I love you too." I hugged him tightly and then walked towards the girls.
"Bye!" I waved and then Alya pulled me.
"Finally." Alya sighed and Mina giggled.
"He just loves her."
"So? He doesn't have to hog her every time." Alya scoffed.
"If we're going to talk about Katsuki, then I'll go back home."
"No, you won't. Let's go have fun."

"I'm so glad we did this."
"Right! The house is filled with the boys!"
"It's sad though. What happened to Adrien, it was so unexpected."
"Yea..." I sighed.
"I think I know who the murderer is," Alya announced.
"What? Who?"
"Alya, I know you hate him, but he would never kill someone," I argued.
"Listen, he was the last one with Adrien. What if he killed him in the woods, with the axe, and took him and dumped him into the water? It's possible. And Katsuki hates Adrien. And he took Adrien with him to the forest. He could have taken Eiiro, Hanta, anyone. But he chose Adrien. And the whole time, he was uninterested in finding him. It all makes sense."
"Katsuki would never do that. This is just your hate for him talking. He would never do something like this no matter how much he hates someone."
"....Whatever." Alya shook her. 
"Don't even bring this topic up in front of Katsuki. He'll get mad you would accuse him of such things."
"Ugh." Alya sighed.

"Can we prank your boyfriend?" Alya asked on the way home.
"Yea yea!" Mina hopped around. 
"Why mine?"
"Because you're the only one in a relationship."
"Fine...what do you guys want to do?"
"We'll pretend we're taking a video and then we both will kiss."
"Yea! Just a peck. And we'll see his reaction. Just don't say anything. It won't mean anything so it's cool."
".... OK..fine." I shrug. 
"We're back!" Mina shouted opening the door.
Immediately Katsuki ran down the steps and gave me the biggest hug.
"I missed you!" He said into my neck making me giggle. 
"I missed you too," I said, dropping my bags to wrap my arms around him.
"What did you get? Did anyone bother you?"
"I got a few outfits and such. No one bothered me." I giggled feeling his hands touch my body. 
"Hmm..ok. Let's take these upstairs and then I can make-"
"I already ate lunch. So I'm not hungry."
"You sure? I can make you something tastier."
"It's alright, babe." I kissed his cheek and grabbed a few bags while Katsuki grabbed the rest. 

After unpacking everything, we decided to go back downstairs.
"Hey, girl! Want to make a video with me?" Alya asked.
"Sure. Let's go, Katsu."
"Why me?"
"Don't you want to stay with me?"
"Yea..." He shrugged and walked with me towards Alya. 
Alya turned on her phone and I just stood in between them.
Katsuki was fixing his hair when Alya pulled me and we both kissed each other on the lips.
Alya started laughing and dancing around while Katsuki just stared at both of us.
I giggled and hugged Katsuki.
"Katsu?" I giggled and looked up at him to see him glaring hard at Alya who was still laughing.
"The fuck...did you just do?" He asked in a low threatening voice.
"It was just a jo-"
"You just put your filthy lips on my girlfriends!"
"And you! You kissed her! What the fuck was that for? Are you somehow lesbian now!?"
"No, it was a joke-"
"Some sick joke! That was practically cheating! How would you like it if I went and kissed some dude right in front of you!?"
"Fuck this." He stormed off after bumping into Alya, knocking her down.
"...." I stared at the door Katsuki just went through.
"I knew this was a bad idea!" I scoffed and ran after him. 

"Katsu!" I found him behind the house leaning against the wall.
"Shut up."
"It was just a prank. It meant nothing."
"Yeah right. Fucking cheater."
"Katsu. It was a prank. I don't like Alya like that. It's not meant to be as cheating."
"You better not like her. Or else I'd have to kill her." He shrugs.
I froze remembering what Alya said.
"Fuck." He came to me and gripped my waist.
"She fucking kissed you." He used his sleeve to wipe my lips.
"What are you doing?"
"Wiping her lips off of yours. Ew fuck." He then kissed me deeply while sucking and licking my lips.
"Kat-Mm~ Ah! Katsu-" I tried pushing him off but he just kept sucking and licking my lips making them red and swollen. 
"There. Mine. All mine."

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