Chapter 4

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"What the fuck are you doing!?" I heard Katsuki shout from downstairs.
"I don't fucking care! You can't fucking bring those in here!"
I sighed and continued sketching.
"Marinette! Blue! Get the fuck down here!" I sighed again and walked downstairs. 
"Yes, Katsu?" I asked. 
Everyone was in their swimming clothes.
Katsuki and I decided to get ready together in a while.
"Tell your fucking friends, that they can't bring their fucking junk in here!" I looked to the side to see Nino's music set and Alya's blogging equipment scattered everywhere.
"Guys! That's not right! This is Katsuki's house so you guys have to have respect for that. You guys didn't have to bring in all of your stuff! And at least clean up things!"
"No buts! I didn't let you guys come with us on OUR vacation just to make a mess."

"Better?" I asked looking up at Katsuki.
He was upset and had a small frown.
"Mhm..." He hummed lightly looking at them clean up.
I grabbed the collar of his flannel shirt and pulled him down to my height.
"I know I shouldn't have let them come with us...I'm sorry about that. But I hope you'll still enjoy yourself." I murmured and kissed his lips gently.
"Mm~" He hummed against my lips and held my waist gently.

"Katsuki? Where's your hoodie?""I left it on the bed!""Alright

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"Katsuki? Where's your hoodie?"
"I left it on the bed!"
"Alright." I grabbed it for my cover-up.
"Hey, aren't you looking beautiful?" He teased and kissed my lips. 
"I have a cover-up. Your hoodie. Don't worry." I showed him the hoodie.

Katsuki and I have fought before about my swimsuit. He hated all the bikinis I wore. And always tried making me wear leggings and a shirt. But those are uncomfortable to swim in. So now, I wear a cover-up like his shirt or hoodie. 

"Alright, let's go." 

Katsuki wore a white shirt with a light blue button-up and black shorts

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Katsuki wore a white shirt with a light blue button-up and black shorts. His sunglasses were tucked into his shirt.

Katsuki grabbed a big bag filled with food and snacks while I grabbed the umbrella and towels. 
"Got it, Blue?" He asked.
"Yep." I smiled but then tripped over a rock.
"You truly do "got it"." He smirked making me giggle. 
After helping me up, we were on our way towards the beach. 

A few minutes later, we made it to the beach and tried looking for the group.
"Oh, they're over there!"
"Don't run." He scolded me watching me almost trip again.
"I'm fine." I stuck my tongue at him, walking backwards.
"Ah!" I fell into a hole.
"Ugh..." I groan.
"You're not going to survive, are you?"
"I will!" I got out and made it to a clear spot. 

After setting up everything, I took off Katsuki's hoodie showcasing my bikini.

After setting up everything, I took off Katsuki's hoodie showcasing my bikini

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"These look amazing, Katsuki." I squealed.
"Make sure to eat, ok? Whenever you're hungry. Let me put sunscreen on you."

While Katsuki put my sunscreen on, I stared at the view. It was beautiful. 

There weren't many people but it was still a little pack

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There weren't many people but it was still a little pack.
"Girl!" Our friends ran to us and dropped around us.
"Fuck off. You idiots are getting sand everywhere!" Katsuki yelled.
I sighed.
"Guys. Please?" I grew annoyed with their annoying behaviour.
"You don't need to be a bitch about it, Marinette."
"Just because you have a boyfriend and we know about him doesn't mean you have to be rude to us."
"You're never rude." My friends commented, eating the snacks.
I looked up to see my friends covered in soda.
"Shit, my bad," Katsuki smirked sipping his soda. 
I giggled and he gave me a sip, holding the can to my lips.
"Ugh." Alya stood up.
"Don't talk shit about my girl," Katsuki said and crushed the can in his hand making my friends jump and run to the water.
"I don't know what's wrong with them." I sigh and shake my head. 
"Fuck them," Katsuki said, helping me up.
"Ready to swim?"
"Oh, one sec." He took off his flannel and his white shirt leaving him in his black shorts.

Now, Katsuki has a perfect body. Good pecs, a 6 pack. Toned arms and stomach. A sharp v-line. Very good looking. 

"Let's go

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"Let's go. You're heating up." Katsuki said with a chuckle, pulling me towards the water.

"Open up...ahhh." Katsuki fed me the small burgers he made.
After I took a bite, he took a bite from the same spot and gave me the straw for the soda we were sharing.
We all swam around and had fun for two hours and now we're eating and playing in the sand. 
"Katsu? How's my sand castle looking?" I asked and opened my mouth for another bite.
"Amazing." He fed me another bite and took a bite form the same spot again.
"Watch out!" We looked to the side to see a volleyball hitting and destroying my sandcastle.
"What the fuck!?" Katsuki stood up and glared at the teenage shirtless boy.
"Sorry guys. That was my fault." He said nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Obviously it was! You destroyed my girlfriend's sandcastle!" He pulled the guy's collar and pointed at the destroyed castle.
"Katsu, it's fine."
"For fuck's sake, it's not fine!"
"Look, man. It's not my fault she's a fucking kid. Now let-"
"Katsuki!" I gasped when he punched the guy in the face. 
"That's my fucking girlfriend! And no one makes her upset!" He yelled and kicked the guy in between his legs making the guy fall forward with a cry.
"Now get the fuck up, and go crawling to your little friends!" Katsuki pushed the guy off.

"Hm?" He hummed while trying to get me to eat a sandwich.
"What you did a while ago wasn't nice. It was an accident. You didn't have to hurt him."
"Shut up."
"Huh?" I looked at him.
"I told you before not to question me when I hurt someone for hurting you. Just be fucking happy." he then shoved the sandwich into my mouth. 
"No buts. End of discussion." He glared.
"....Fine." I sighed and opened my mouth for another bite. 

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