Chapter 15

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"So what is this all about?"
"We think we found a suspect in the case of Adrien Agreste. And we think the suspect is in this house..."

We were all frozen in shock.
"You think they are in this house? As in one of us?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"Alright." We all nodded.
"One by one, you each will be getting questioned while the rest of us take a search around the house, inside and outside."
"Of course. We have a forest in the back." I let them know. 
"Thank you." They nodded.
"Alright, you first." They point at Katsuki making me tense up for some reason.
"Why me?" He asked with a glare.
"Let's just say...we got a tip." They smirked making me glare.
"Do your freaking job right and don't target him because he looks mean." I glared and crossed my arms. 
"Whatever, I'll be back." Katsuki pecked my forehead and walked outside with two of the officers.
"Alright, everyone stays here, you stay here and keep watch, we'll go and start searching." The officers left, leaving one to watch us.

Katsuki's POV:

"Alright, where were you when Adrien Agreste left for his walk?" I sighed.
"We just got back from the forest after cutting wood. He helped me bring them back home when he said he was going to get fresh air and he left. I don't give a fuck about him so I didn't even fucking care." I shrugged. 
I wonder who gave them the tip about me?
"We heard you are a very possessive man to your girlfriend. Is that true?"
"Sure. Why? She's mine. I'm a possessive man." I shrugged.
"Ever hit her?"
"Has she ever been abused by you? Anything of the sort?"
"Fuck, no. I love her."
"Sometimes people love so much they hurt them." They shrugged while writing down notes.
"Anyways, since you are a possessive man, would you ever kill anyone for her?"
"......If I think they are a threat to her safety, sure. But I never did kill anyone. Maybe sure, I beat them up or whatever, but that's it."
"....Alright, so you didn't kill Adrien Agreste because he's your girlfriend's ex-crush?" Someone told them...who?
"It wasn't me. I came straight home with him and then stayed home after he left. I was with my girlfriend the whole time. Made her some delicious dinner, and fucked her later on." I smirked.
The woman cop made a disgusted face and shook her head while the man almost smirked until he remembered what his job was. 
"Alright, we got everything we wanted, you're done."
"Thanks," I smirked and walked inside to see my girlfriend's frightened face.

"Oh, you're back! Are you ok?" She asked me with her hands on my face.
"I'm fine, love," I muttered and kissed her forehead. 
"Next!" Nino went outside next with the two cops.
"What did they ask you?"
"Nothing much. Just tell them we fucked that night."
"What!? No!"
"I told them we fucked to bother them. So you better." I smirked at her red face. 
"Ugh." She groaned and laid her head on my chest.
"What are the rest doing?"
"Still searching around."
"They better not go through our closet."
"Shit, my lingerie!" She shrieked.
"Ugh, I don't want them to see those!"

Marinette's POV:

"Alright, simple questions, honest answers. Got it?"
"Yes sir." I nodded.
"What were you doing the night when Adrien Agreste died?"
"Sleeping. I passed out after spending the day in the sun so my boyfriend put me to bed. He then told me that he was in the forest collecting wood because I liked the aesthetic feeling. When I woke up he brought me dinner and yea we...." I blushed.
"Right got it. And who is Agreste to you?"
"A close friend."
"Anything else? In the past?"
"Ugh, he was my ex-crush 2 years ago! Why does that matter?"
"Because we think due to your boyfriend's possessiveness, he might've killed Agreste out of jealousy."
".....No way! He would never do that!"
"Alright. What about-"
"We found a body! A dead body!" We heard cops yell from the yard making me freeze.
"A dead body? How? We-" The cops ran to the back leaving me alone.

I ran inside.
"They found a dead body! Who buried a dead body!?" I screeched.
"Shh shh, it's ok love. It wasn't me or you so we're fine."
"Breathe. Let's go check it out." We all went to the backyard to find them digging the ground with their dogs barking and growling.
"'s just a rabbit. False alarm." I breathed out and fell against Katsuki. 

"Alright, kids. Everything seems clear for now. We'll keep an eye on you guys for a while. Stay out of trouble. Good night." They all walked out making all of us fall onto the sofa.
"Even though we didn't do anything-"
"This is stressful."
"Let's just all go to bed now."
"Good idea, good night guys." We all went back to our rooms and closed our doors.
"That was scary."
"Hm." Katsuki hummed.
"Something wrong?"
"They asked me...if I ever abused you. Or hit you...."
I froze.
"I said no." My heart stilled for a bit. 
Even though I love Katsuki so much, there were times when he did hurt me. Grabbing my wrists hard leaving red marks, starving me, and he slapped me once but that was it. I forgave him for those already but...
"Alright, obviously that's true," I muttered and went to lie down.
"Mhm. Sure, I did maybe grab your wrists extra hard or give you punishments, but that's because you deserved them. You either disobey me, provoke me, or do anything to get a punishment. So you understand right baby? You know I still love you. I just want the best for you and I don't want to be too free that you might cheat or leave me."
".....Of course." I sighed and cuddled into his chest.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too Blueberry."


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Katsuki's POV:

I snuck out of our bed at 3 in the morning.
I finally figured out who snitched.
I left the beach house and drove my car to his house after finding out where he lived.
I snuck into his house after finding an open window to find him sleeping in his bed.
I saw a water bottle beside him and I grabbed it. 
I poured this poison into it and shook the bottle quietly.
I smirked down at his sleeping body.
"Have a good night...cuz it's your last," I whispered and snuck back out and drove off with a smile. 

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