Chapter 14

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ding dong

"I got it!" I shouted and walked to the door shirtless since I had just woken up.
I opened the door to see..... redhead?!
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I seethed lowly.
"Marinette invited me over...." He muttered.
"....Stay right fucking here." I slammed the door shut and walked upstairs.
"Mari! Marinette!"
"Yea?" She called out from the closet.
"Why the fuck is redhead here?!"
"I invited him over to hang with all of us. Nino needs a friend too. He's been lonely."
"Please! We'll most likely have a barbeque."
"...Fine," I grunted and went back down to let him in.

"Don't touch anything, don't go anywhere with my girl. Stay here, in the living room. Stay with the music guy."
"Yes! Fuck!" I groaned and went back upstairs.
"I don't want him here!"
"But I already invited him over. And we're just going to hang out as friends-"
"Ugh!" I groaned and dropped onto the bed. 

"You look pretty," I muttered turning my face sideways

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"You look pretty," I muttered turning my face sideways.
"Thank you. I left an outfit inside the closet for you."
"Hm.." I hummed staring at her beautiful body.
"Stop staring and go get ready. I'll get the guys to start setting up the barbeque." She kissed me and then walked out. 
I sighed, stood up and went to the closet to change.

 I sighed, stood up and went to the closet to change

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I ruffled my hair and went downstairs to see no one.
I sighed and went to the backyard to find everyone there. 

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"Babe." I wrapped my arm around her waist.
"Sorry, the boys said they can start the BBQ without you. But if you want to continue?"
I shrugged and went to continue.
"Move it, idiot. You guys are going to burn everything." I took the spatula and started.

Marinette's POV:

I smiled and stared at Katsuki who was busy cooking. He looked so hot with his back flexing every time he moved. 
"Hey, Mari."
"Nathaniel." I nodded and smiled.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked. 
"Yes of course. I did you even meet him?"
"Katsuki? We met at an amusement park two years ago. Why?"
"He's a fucking monster. He's a jerk."
"He did this to me." He pointed to his broken nose.
"When we saw each other at the cafe. He took me to the back and beat me up there. He's an abusive jerk!"
"Katsuki only hurts other people if they say something bad about me or do something to me. You probably said something about me to provoke him."
"What? I was just telling him how much of a slut you are at school! He needs to know the whore he's dating."
"What the heck?! When was I a whore?"
"Sleeping with two guys at the same time? Dressing like that."
"I never fucking slept with anyone besides Katsuki! You fucking jerk!" I slapped his face hard making him hiss. 
"I don't even know why I called you over! I thought we could catch up! I didn't know you felt like that about me!"
"You bitch!" He seethed and tried grabbing me but he got pulled back and got knocked down to the ground.
"Don't you ever try touching my girlfriend ever again!" Katsuki yelled and bent down to punch him again.
I stared in shock.

"Are you ok?" I asked while cleaning his fists.
"Mhm." He sighed and closed his eyes.
"I'm so tired."
"Should I bring you dinner? We can eat in bed?"
"I just want to sleep for a bit." He muttered and snuggled into my stomach.

Nathaniel's POV:

I sighed after leaving the hospital.
He needs to get reported.
I went to the police station.
"Hey, I need to report a clue to the murder of Adrien Agreste."
"Right this way sir." I walked into a room with an officer.
"Alright, talk."
"Katsuki Bakugou. I was just at his beach house and he beat me up because I was talking about his girlfriend. So I found out he gets jealous fast. And Adrien Agreste was his girlfriend's ex-crush. So I think he killed Adrien Agreste out of jealousy."
"....Alright." He said writing everything down.
"My officers did say he looked angry and possessive."
"Thank you. We'll go take a look."
"Of course." I nodded, stood up and left.
"You'll regret this Katsuki Bakugou.

Marinette's POV:

I went downstairs sleepily hearing the bell ring.
"I'm coming," I muttered rubbing my eyes.
"Hello, Miss. Sorry about coming over so late, but we have some questions and we need to search." The police showed me their badges making me widen my eyes.
"Of course. Is this about Adrien?"
"Katsuki!" I yelled out hearing a thump and then running.
"What? Are you hurt?" He froze seeing the cops.
"What? What happened?" Katsuki asked while walking towards me. 
"We have questions and we have to search. Please wake up all members of this house and please wear some clothes." I looked at Katsuki to see him only in boxers making me blush.

"So what is this all about?"
"We think we found a suspect in the case of Adrien Agreste. And we think the suspect is in this house..."

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