Chapter 21

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3 Years Later:

"Emma! Where are you, baby?" I called out to my little daughter, looking around my apartment.
I heard her little giggles so I sneakily crept towards the back of the couch.
"Found you, baby!" I grabbed her making her squeal.
"Mama! No!" She laughed and giggled.

Emma is my 3-year-old daughter. Turns out...Katsuki left me pregnant before he went to jail. Emma looks exactly like Katsuki with just my bluebell eyes. 
I never visited Katsuki because I couldn't live with the guilt that he killed people because of me. He doesn't even know he has a daughter. We've been living in this apartment ever since I gave birth.

Ding Dong

"Mama! Who that?"
"It's Luka!"
"Wuka!? Yay!" I met Luka while I was pregnant. He's a pretty amazing guy and has been a best friend of mine ever since. 
"Hey, Luka!" I opened the door to see his smiling face.
"Hey, Mari. Oh! Who's this little princess? She's so cute!"
"It's me Wuka!" Emma giggled and made grabby hands to him.
"Ready for the park?" He asked while holding Emma.
"Yep. One sec."

I grabbed my purse and we left for the park

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I grabbed my purse and we left for the park.
"Thank you for joining us again, Luka."
"No problem." He smiled and ruffled Emma's little hair.

Katsuki's POV:
I gritted my teeth watching my girl and baby girl walking with this man!
I escaped prison about a week ago after three years. I've been keeping watch on my girlfriend ever since. And then I found out we had a daughter. And now they are hanging out with this blue-haired idiot!
Every night, I would sneak into their apartment. I would kiss and hold Marinette's hand while she slept and then I would go to my baby girl's room and stare at her baby face. Sometimes, she would start whining so I would immediately lift her and cuddle her into my chest making her calm down instantly. 

Looks like they are going to the park today...

Marinette's POV:

We sat on the bench watching the kids play while Emma lay sleeping on my lap.
She got tired after playing for an hour.
"Yes, Luka?" I smiled.
"I.....I like you and I was hoping you could go on a date with me?"
"I see her as my own. Please?"
"I...I can't..."
"Why not?"
I stared at Emma for a while.
" someone else..."
"Who? Please. You got to tell me!"
"It's silly."
"Please, it's not!"
"Do you know Katsuki Bakugou?"
"The one who went to jail for murder? Yea?"
"Him. I love him. He was my first love and my only love."
"Yes, I dated him. He killed people for me. He loved me so much that he would risk his own life for me. He made me feel special and loved. Something no one else can make me feel."
" love a psycho?"
"Don't call him a psycho! I love him!" I shouted at him while standing up.
"I feel honoured, Blueberry." A voice spoke up from behind us.

I turned around to see Katsuki leaning against a tree. He had a hoodie and jeans on with a little stubble on his chin and jawline. He got taller and more muscular. My heart started beating faster.
"Wh-what!? How did you escape prison!?" Luka yelled from behind me.
Katsuki ignored him and walked towards me.
"Hey, love." He smiled down at me and gently rubbed Emma's head.
"Katsu...." I stared up at him with wide eyes.
"I love you too." He bent down and kissed me. 



Hello everyone! 
So I didn't have anything else to write so I ended the story faster than I thought. I hope you guys enjoyed this story. Please give me a comment on your favourite parts. Thank you for all the comments and stars!
The next story will be posted On Tuesday!

 Thank you for all the comments and stars!The next story will be posted On Tuesday!

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Have a good day/night!

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