16. First Date

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Before I even have the time to change my mind and do something I'll regret, Ashton opens the passenger's side door for me. With him standing there smiling and waiting for me to get in, how can I not? So I do, and he closes the door as soon as I'm seated. I stare at my feet and wipe at my flushed face as he gets in on his side. I try to buckle my seatbelt but it's locked in place and won't pull over me.

"All buck- oh, let me help you." He says as he catches sight of my issue. My heart beats faster as he leans all the way over me to grab my seatbelt. If I was to lean forward just an inch, I'd be kissing his tanned collarbone...
The sound of my seatbelt clicking snaps me back to reality and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Th-thank you." I squeak out. Ashton smirks at me which doesn't help me calm down at all.

"Are you nervous there, Luke?" He teases.

"Shut up. You thought my mum was gonna rip your head off in there." I retort. He raises his eyebrows and adjusts his grip on the wheel.

"Touche... should we go then? I bet you're just dying to finally have your first date!" He says, continuing to tease me anyway.

"I'll get out of this car right now." I threaten, obviously bluffing.

"Sorry! I'm most likely more excited than you are about it, you know. I can't believe I get to have the honor of taking you out on your first date!"

"It's not a big deal..." I mumble, shyness taking over.

"Yes it is! Trust me, I'm going to make sure you have so much fun!"

"I always have fun with I'm with you, though." I cover my mouth as soon as I hear what I said. Ashtons high-pitched giggle fills the now moving car.

"You always say the cutest things. Did you know that?" I stay quiet until I think of the perfect response.

"Ashton Irwin." Silence surrounds us as Ash stares into the road with a thinking face. I see the moment realization hits him because he turns pink. It's my turn to giggle, feeling proud of myself.

"Did you seriously just? Wow, okay. If I'm the cutest thing then you're the prettiest- no, most perfect thing. Person. You get my point." I laugh and feel butterflies in my stomach from Ashtons compliment, even though I know it's not true. I'm sure he means it, but it's just not true. I'm not perfect. Mentally or physically. Far from it. But Ashton is. He's so truly perfect and I can't imagine that anything will ever change that.

We arrive at our destination shortly and from the outside, the arcade doesn't look all that interesting. Once we get inside, however... it's a whole new story. There are neon lights flashing everywhere but it isn't overwhelming at all, it only fills me up to the brim with giddiness and I can't stop myself from shaking my hands at my sides. I've only been to an arcade once before when I was really little but being here gives me a sense of nostalgia.

"I had a feeling you'd like it here! What should we do first? There's a food court so we could eat before we play, are you hungry?" There are barely any people around us but my stupid brain doesn't care so instead of answering vocally, I nod my head. Ashton grabs my hand and pulls me past some games that I look back at curiously. He clearly knows his way around the place so I let him lead me. We stop behind someone at a counter and I swear all the blood in my body has flowed right to my hand. Oh, wait, no it's just Ashtons burning hot one surrounding mine. I blush when he doesn't let go.

Ohmygod, there's a super cute boy holding my hand right now and he's so warm and he smells nice and I can see his dimple peeking through on his cheek and-

Okay, enough freaking out. I mentally slap myself for being such a girl and try to man up. I stand up straight and put on a tough face but it vanishes as soon as the person in front of us receives their food and it's our turn to go up. I almost hyperventilate until Ashton squeezes my hand reassuringly and I remember he'll be willing to help me.

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