36. Live Like We Want To

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I laugh as I watch Michael chug another beer and get some of it all down the front of his shirt. When he wants to celebrate something, getting absolutely shitfaced is his way to go. For me, not so much. Drinking back on Halloween was fun, but I'm just still not the party type. I'll stick with soda for now, thanks.

What is there to be celebrated, you may wonder? Well, after our music video dropped a few days ago, She Looks So Perfect has been #1 on the charts in Australia and America. We're working our way up in London too, but One Direction has us beat, of course. No complaints there, though- this is a celebration for them, too.

Ashton and I double over in laughter together as Niall climbs up onto the pool table and starts swinging his shirt above his head. He really lives up to the Irish stereotype because he has Mikey and Calum completely hit out of the park. He drank them under the table as soon as the party started. If you could really call this a party, since it's only Ash, Mikey, Cal, and I, along with the five One Direction boys we've grown so close to this past month.

"Do you wanna make out in our room for a minute?" Ash whispers in my ear so that I can hear him over the music. I nod my head enthusiastically and allow him to drag me into our bedroom by my wrist.

We kiss for a little bit on our bed and I gasp when Ashtons hands move under my shirt across my chest, sending goosebumps all over my body. He can get reactions out of me so easily, and he knows it. That's why he's smirking so hard right now.

"You gasp so pretty." He flirts. I blush and kiss him again, not in the mood to even try to deny his words.

"Ah-" I whimper as he leaves kisses down my neck in all of the right places. If there wasn't a party going on around us right now, I think I'd consider taking this further. Honestly, I've been thinking about it lately, but we never have any time alone whilst in London. Plus, I haven't exactly brought it up. I'm too shy- which is stupid, I know.

"Mm," he hums against my neck, giving my hip a squeeze "love you."

"Love you too." I giggle as we sit back up and silently decide its time to go back to the party waiting in the rest of our house.

I wake up the next morning- or afternoon, probably, on the living room floor. I don't exactly remember why I've ended up there, but it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that our house is a complete mess, and if Alvin and Sam were to show up and see it like this, I have a feeling they wouldn't be too happy with us.

I crack my neck and fingers then rub my eyes as I try to wake up. I step over the junk (and Michael Clifford) littering our floors as quietly as I can so I don't wake anyone up and glance at the time on the wall clock in the kitchen. Two forty six, it reads. Yep, that's the time.

Shit, what's the fucking date today?

I fumble to check my phone which I can feel still slipped in my back pocket and mentally curse at the numbers on the slightly cracked screen.

Oh god, this isn't good. We're so screwed!

I turn back around as fast as I can and shake Michael awake where he's passed out on the hallway floor.

"Fuck off..." He grumbles.

"Michael." I say in a serious tone. His eyes snap open at the sound of my voice in a tone I never use and he sits up.

"What? Did something happen?" He asks, matching my seriousness.

"We have an interview in fourteen minutes." I say, my voice quiet but holding a lot of weight. His eyes widen as he scrambles up off of the floor.

"SHIT, I FORGOT THAT WAS TODAY!" He yells throughout the whole house, no doubt waking Ashton and Calum up, wherever they are. I follow him in a hurry and find out Ashtons whereabouts when I pass the bathroom. Oh my god, he fell asleep next to the toilet. The sight would make me laugh if we were in any other situation, since I'm so used to seeing Ash as the responsible one. How did we even get so fucked up last night? I actually have a hang over right now and I wasn't planning on drinking at all...

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