21. Dead Walker Texas Ranger

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I chew on a salt water taffy Lauren gave me as I watch Michael and Calum help Harry into his red power ranger costume. Yep, tonight is the night- Halloween. Michael has made it obvious lately that he takes Halloween very seriously and will settle for no less than perfect. That's why I'm currently engulfed in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume. Leonardo, to be exact. Michael is Michaelangelo, naturally, and Ashton is Raphael whilst Calum is Donatello. Being dressed up as a turtle is definitely not what I imagined I'd be doing on Halloween at the age of eighteen but I'd be lying if I said I'm not having the time of my life right now.

"Who is ready to go trick or treating and get a butt-load of candy?" Michael encourages. Harry and Lauren cheer, running in a circle around his legs. Laurens tiara falls off for the millionth time so I pick it up and put it back on her head.

"Thanks, Luke!" She cheers, waving her pumpkin pail around excitedly. She's gotten a lot less shy around me as of lately, Ashton and I both think she's moved on from her little crush, which I'm thankful for. I view Lauren as if she's my own little sister so having her be able to talk to me freely now is nice, even if I can't talk back... yet. I'll get there. One day. I'm still working on it. If I can sing on a stage then I should be able to speak to my friends who aren't Ashton. My mum too. God, I want to talk to her more than anyone! I know it would make her so happy if I could just reply to her out loud when she asks me things. That's all it would take to make her happy, just a simple yes or no and I can't even do that much. But I'll do it. I don't know when, I don't know why it's so hard for me, but I'll do it.

"Okay, it's going to get dark in an hour so we'll start trick or treating now! When we get back mum should finally be home and she's gonna watch scary movies with you guys like she promised." Ashton announces.

"Finally!" Harry shouts impatiently, running to the front door with his sister not far behind.

"I feel like I've been waiting forever!" Lauren agrees.

"Enjoy this Halloween, take it slow! You won't get to go trick or treating forever." Ashton says.

"But you're eighteen!" Harry points out.

"That's true but Michael's childish so he won't let us not trick or treat with him." Ashton explains.

"Wow, I see how it is, bro." Michael says with a pout.

"So if we keep being childish like Mikey, then we can keep trick or treating even when we're old like you?" Lauren asks.

"That's correct, I guess. Well, I feel like I've aged ten years in the last ten seconds thanks to this conversation so let's hurry up and get going before I disintegrate." Ashton instructs. Lauren and Harry cheer again as they run out the front door, Ashton tailing them closely. I run right after him and Mikey and Cal follow.

"What does disintegrate mean?" Harry asks.

"Uh, fall apart. Turn to ashes." Ashton explains.

"Like dead people!" Lauren exclaims, making Harry giggle. We reach the end of the street where we need to cross to get to the first house giving out candy so I grab Laurens hand as Ashton grabs Harrys.

"Look left, now right! No cars, lets go!" Ashton chirps, being careful as always. The four of us usher the kids up and down a few streets until the sun goes down and their pails are filled to the brim with sweets. Lauren rubs an eye sleepily, a few pieces of candy falling from her pail. I pick them up for her and open my arms, silently telling her that I can carry her. She takes the offer and falls asleep on my shoulder almost right away. Ashton holds Harrys hand on the walk back home to keep him from running away- he's a lot more energetic than his sister. Maybe that has to do with the fact that he's been eating from his candy stash whilst Lauren would rather save her candy for later.

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