1 || First Encounter

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Night had set over the city of Houston, bringing with it the usual bustle of people walking up and down the streets of the downtown area to find relaxation after a long week on a Friday evening. The bars were teeming with people, and it was one bar in particular that attracted the most eligible of bachelors on weekends.

La Moulin, it was called. A bleak attempt at attracting customers by faintly referencing the moulin rouge. The inside was nothing like the Moulin Rouge, but the drinks and atmosphere drew in the white collar crowd of Houston just the same.

Typical. Almost desperate, Fabiana thought with a snarl pulling at her full, red tinted lips. Desperate and yet here I am.

"Remind me why we're going to La Moulin when Lucky's bar is right around the corner from my place?" The woman hooked her clutch beneath her arm and smoothed her hands over the snug high waist of her burgundy wide legged slacks. Her blouse was almost too hot in the stifling summer air, and she ached for the cooling kiss of air conditioning.

"Because all the eligible bachelors of our fair city gather here on Fridays and we are on a mission; to find you a man," her best friend, Rhea, stated while flipping her long blonde tresses over her shoulder dramatically. "I'll pick one for you, since you're so adamant on being a spinster."

"I'm a career woman," Fabiana muttered, tugging at the cuffs of her white blouse and ignoring the pain in her feet. "I don't even think I'm old enough to be a spinster."

"You've been using your career as an excuse since the tenth grade, Bia." Rhea held the molten glass door of La Moulin open for them to step in. The cold air of artificial cooling systems was much welcome to Fabiana's slightly sticky skin. "You've never had a boyfriend because of it."

"I never needed one," the woman said and shrugged simply, shifting in her white 120cm Louboutins to ease the ache in her toes. "They were a commodity."

"And that's why you're going to die a virgin." Rhea rolled her eyes, walking past a group of businessmen sitting at a bar to find empty stools. The bar was full, but not packed.

Could be worse, Fabiana considered, shrugging her shoulders lightly to follow her friend. "I'm not going to die a virgin. I'll lose it when the time is right."

Her tone betrayed her resignation.

"And that's why we need to find you that special guy!" Rhea settled in her seat and turned to face her best friend. "I can't be the only slut in this friendship."

"Hardly," Fabiana snorted with a small laugh, happy to finally be off her feet after walking three blocks in killer heels instead of taking an Uber. "I live vicariously through you."

"And I'll live vicariously through you when you have the most romantic deflowering in the west coast."

The women smirked at each other and gave the bartender their drink orders, both of them opting for fruity cocktails to take the edge off the day before heading for the hard stuff.

"You're more excited for it than I am."

"My first time was horrible. I want yours to be completely different," Rhea announced giving her best friend a look. "And it would've been if you'd kept going out with Timothy. He was nice!"

"He was immature." Fabiana rolled her eyes. "And I'm way past the age where I'm hoping for a romantic night. I'd take it in the bathrooms of Lucky's if I could."

"Fuck. No. That shit's for sexagenarian hookers and heroin addicts. You're a refined woman, Bia. You deserve romance." Rhea smiled angelically at the bar tender as he placed her Manhattan in front of her. "And I won't hear another word of it."

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