Chapter Nine

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Later that day, I'm sitting on the floor of my bedroom, contemplating doing my homework, when my phone lights up.

Cass 6:47 p.m
We're on the way to the movies. You coming? We can pick you up.

Me 6:51 p.m
Sure. See you in a minute.

Only because I miss Cassie and Shawna, I assure myself silently, though deep down thoughts of Rome dwell. I race downstairs, ignoring the soft voices coming from Mason's room as I pass.

Before long, I hear honking and open the door to see Mrs. Perez' silver Volvo in my driveway, Rome in the drivers seat. Suppressing a grin, I slide into shotgun, turning around to greet the two beauties behind me.

"Myah!" Shawna exclaims, leaning forward from Cassie's grasp to give me a firm kiss on the cheek. Cass pulls her back instantly, giving me her own smile before continuing her tickle attack on the small blonde. Smiling, I turn back to face the front, glancing over at Rome. His knuckles are white on the steering wheel.

"Hey," he says softly, arching a thick brow at me. I bite down on the inside of my cheek, giving him a curt nod. He pulls out of the driveway, speeding down my street and making a sharp left turn.

"I haven't seen you in nearly two days, ma'am," Cass huffs, leaning forward to get a better look at me. "Explain." I grin at her, my eyes betraying me, flashing toward Rome to see his cheeks reddening. I shrug.

I don't have to explain anything, I sign to her, but before she can respond Shawna has her arms around her waist, and Cass is drawn back.

At the movie theater, a small group of people stand at the ticket booth, chatting loudly. As we walk in, a blur of blue squeals and throws herself into Rome's arms.

The brilliant smile I've come to remember each detail of flashes to Daniella. I look towards Cass, who's eyebrows are furrowed, and to Shawna, who's eyes are dowcast and arms crossed.

"Guys! Look who's here!" The group converges on Rome, who seems more than happy to oblige to anything they ask. "We're gonna see that new movie Focus," Karol says squeakily, "Come with us!"

Daniella looks up at Rome from her station in his arms. I feel like I'm going to throw up. "Pleeease," she begs, and once again Romeo nods, not caring to apologize or even glance our way as he take Daniella's hand and follows her into the theater.

Shawna coughs uncomfortably, and Cassie's face is alive with anger. "What," she begins, "the. actual. fuck. was that? I think I'm gonna be sick."

That, i sign to her, is Satan's apprentice.

The flush doesn't leave her cheeks, and she takes a look at me. "That's the girl he's been ditching you for?" I nod, not meeting her eyes. "That little prick, I'll fucki-"

"Baby," Shawna speaks for the first time. "Calm down." She leans close to her and takes her hand, and I see Cass's tension relieve almost instantly.

I avert my gaze quickly, roaming around the little theater and coming to rest on a pair of bright brown eyes.

"Myah!" Jorie yells, smiling broadly. He jogs away from the group Rome was drowning in, his grin never wavering. I hear Cass make a skeptical sound, followed by Shawna shushing her.

I wave, returning the smile as he comes to a stop next to me. "I've already seen Focus. It wasn't that good." From the corner of my eye, I see Cassie physically restraining herself  from launching an attack on him. I flash her a look, which is returned with malice. "Oh, hi," Jorie says brightly, oblivious to Cassie's angry look or my nervous composure. "I'm Jorie, and you're Cass Perez, right? I've heard about you."

Cassie's eyebrows shoot up into her hairline and she moves dangerously close to Jorie. Being nearly two heads shorter, she sure did give off a scary dollike vibe. "Heard about me?" She says, so quietly I can barely hear her. "Cassieopiea!" Shawna warns, moving to grab her arm. Cass shakes her off, never losing eye contact with Jorie.

However, he doesn't seem even slightly intimidated. "When you break the school record of "Most Fights Without Being Expelled," word tends to fly around." He laughs good-naturedly, and Cass steps back, nodding approvingly. "Well, let's go see this movie then." she wraps her hand around Shawna's, leading her into the darkened theater. I look up at Jorie, who still has a grin on his face, before following them in.

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