Chapter Five

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''Absolutely disgusting,'' I murmur, watching Cassie and Shawna wrestle around in the newly fallen snow. Beautiful, Myah signs to me, and I take in her features once again. Holy hell, have I only known this girl for two weeks? I have memorized every feature of her entrancing face in just two weeks. To some people she could be a considered ''plain'', but to me she's a Goddess on earth.

Her skin, a light caramel color, has a few pimples here and there, which to me is the only sign that she is in fact a human and not an angel sent from heaven above. The faint dimple at the corner of her small, pink lips. How the darkness of her eyes could devour me, and I would enjoy each second of it. She catches me staring and a faint blush spreads over her cheeks. I wonder, yet again, what she would say if she could talk. Not that it would matter, I couldn't hear her anyway. Her jaggedly cut brown hair whips around her face, and shes left spitting it out repeatedly. She raises her hand to say something, but is cut off by a large, white blur hitting her in the center of her face.

I look around for the culprit, and catch a brief glimpse of long blonde hair streaking behind the house. Myah, a dazzling smile on her face, sprints after them. I follow, and thirty minutes later I'm sprawled on the living room floor,  staring at a shaking Myah. School tomorrow, Myah says, arching an eyebrow at me. I nod, pursing my lips as I remember the now-faint bruise on my face. As she looks at me, I feel the same tingling sensation I always get in the crevices of my stomach, the uncontrollable urge to reach out and touch her hand, to hold her until she's warm. But, as usual, I resist.

The past two weeks have been the happiest of my life. Myah's smile gives me a kind of happiness on its own. What happens when we go back to school? Will she forget about me for her other friends? I doubt being friends with the new, weird, deaf boy who got jumped on his first day is much of a popularity bonus.

However, as she quickly looks away from me and focuses on other things around the room, I know that she won't leave me. She's been there for me better in two weeks than people have managed in a matter of years. She understands. She doesn't say things like I'm sorry, oh that must be so hard, oh I don't have words. She just listens. And sometimes, that's all I need. Not some type of comfort or hugs or apologies. Just someone to listen.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, her phone goes off and she quickly takes it out, reading quickly through the message and typing a reply. I have to go, she signs, and I feel a sudden drop in my stomach. I knew she would have to leave eventually, but now that she is I feel very unprepared. "Um, okay, I'll walk you out." She smiles and stands up, sliding her shoes and jacket on and walking towards the door. "Bye Myah!" Cassie calls, and Mom flashes her a smile before dipping back into the kitchen.

Out on the porch, she stands with her hands in her pockets. "Okay, well, I'll see you tomorrow?" She nods, and a flash of something foreign comes into her eyes. She looks me up and down, then quickly throws her arms around me.

I barely manage my arms around her waist before she's gone, into her car and up the street in a few moments. A grin finds its way to my face and I turn around, heading back inside.

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