A Friendship Forms

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Princess Dawn woke up on the day of her 12th birthday. She looked around and the smell of the baked goods for her special day filled her nose. She jumped out of bed and put on one of her favorite blue dresses. She twirled around in her mirror and ran out of her big bedroom to the kitchens. Dawn felt her stomach growl as she reached for one of the freshly-baked muffins on the countertop.

"No touching my dear." Dawn looked over and saw her mother. "Mama!" Belle smiled and picked up her daughter, "those muffins are for your guests! You can't have any until the party!" Dawn looked down and sighed, "oh alright, but...I'm hungry.." Belle smiled and gave her daughter a muffin, "oh alright...but don't tell your father, okay?" Dawn grinned from ear to ear and hugged her mother, "alright! thank you, mama!" The maids and chefs all smiled at the young princess before continuing their work.

After a while, Dawn was able to play outside in the gardens, her personal maid keeping watch over her of course. The flowers bloomed every year on her birthday, but this year was different. Dawn noticed how the rose bushes were wilting and she felt horrible about it. "Princess...stay away from the rosebushes! Your father and mother don't want you to disturb them while they are wilting..." Dawn turned to her maid and nodded, still wondering why. 

"Ugh- Come on you big beast-!" Dawn heard a voice and walked over to it, away from her maid's eyesight. "H-Hello?" She was met with silence until she saw a boy around her age peek his head out from beyond her fence. "Oh- Hello mademoiselle, I am just passing through with my family's cow Milky White- I'm selling her..." Dawn looked at the cow and smiled, "she is beautiful! Why are you selling her?" The boy scratched his head and shook it, "she won't produce any more milk...and my family only has our farmhouse, you see..."

Dawn felt sorry for the poor boy and handed him all of what money she had on her, which was about 4,000 gold coins. "Whoa! Gee- thank you so much, ma'am..." Dawn giggled and smiled at the boy gently, "please...call me Dawn, what shall I call you?" "My name is Jack Spriggins but you can just call me Jack. Soon I want to be a prince and own an entire castle...but alas...poor farmboys like me cannot be princes..." Dawn looked Jack in his eyes and interlocked her fingers with his, he blushed. "D-Dawn-?" She smiled and closed her eyes, "you're in luck! I'm a princess! When we are older...you can be my prince if you'd like!" Dawn pulled out a small sheet of paper and wrote down their promise, kissing it afterward, her light pink makeup staining it. Jack smiled and laughed as he shoved the paper in his pocket, "you are very kind Dawn...why don't you come back to my farmhouse and play with some of our animals for a bit?" Dawn nodded and walked with the boy down to his farmhouse, unknowingly causing her family to panic.

"Whoa! This is your house?" Dawn looked around and saw the muddy land and fences stapled throughout to keep the animals in. She heard the cawing of the roosters and clucking of the hens. The house looked old but loved, she smiled at how adorable the place was. "Yeah...I know it isn't perfect compared to your castle but it's home...for now." Dawn nodded and walked over to a tree, sitting under it. Jack, meanwhile, picked up one of his piglets and brought it over to her. "This here is Spot, we named him that due to the brown spot around one of his eyes." Dawn giggled and held Spot close to her, "he's beautiful!"

Jack smiled and noticed something in Dawn's pocket that was shining. "What is that?" he pointed at the object and Dawn pulled it out, it was a silver hand-held mirror. "it's my mirror...you can have it if you'd like to." Jack shook his head, "I can't take that- you already gave me so much money! Enough to get my family out of this place-!" Dawn insisted and gave the mirror to Jack, he looked at himself in it and frowned, "my hair is all dirty- my face is covered in filth..." Jack took out a cloth and wiped his face clean and used one of the nearby animal brushes to fix up his hair. He turned back to Dawn who was still playing with Spot. 

"You can keep him if you would like to..." Dawn looked over at Jack and grinned, "really?!" He smiled and nodded, "my family will be fine because of the money you gave us, it's the least I could do..." She and Jack both beamed at each other before staring in awkward silence.

A few minutes went by and Jack's mother came into the barn where the two were. "My goodness-! Jack-! What have I told you about bringing your friends here? Arthur, Merlin, Hans, and those triplets were already enough for me- now a girl?" Jack smiled sheepishly at his mother, "sorry mother...but she gave me a ton of money! She can help us get out of this place!" His mother shook her head and sighed, "alright alright- come inside, both of you...we'll have a quick bite, and then she'll have to go back home." Dawn looked at Spot, who was asleep in her arms, and smiled, "alright..."

About an hour later, a few guards came and knocked on the door. Jack's mother opened the door and answered the guards. "Excuse me miss, but have you seen Princess Dawn? She is missing and her father is furious." The woman nodded and smiled kindly at the two men. "Why yes, she and my son are both out brushing the horses right now...it was about time she got home I assume?" The guards glared at the lady and shook their heads, heading off to the horse stables. Dawn and Jack were chasing each other with sponges of water and laughing.

"Princess!" Dawn stopped running and turned around, "uh oh..." Jack's smile faded before he covered Dawn with his arm, protecting her. "Who are you two?" The guards sighed and rolled their eyes, "move out of the way boy, you're lucky we aren't shutting you and your mother in the dungeons for kidnapping the princess!" Dawn stepped around Jack and sighed, "I know my father is with you, am I right...?" Dawn's father then stepped between the two guards and glared at the two, "you are in big trouble young lady!" Dawn pushed a strand of her light auburn hair behind her ear and looked down, "I understand father...and I'm sorry..." He unfolded his arms and grabbed her arm, "your dress is filthy-! The party has been ruined because a cow somehow got in and you were missing for a long time! I am so disappointed in you!"

Dawn sighed and turned back to Jack, "I'm sorry...I'll see you later..." "No! You'll never see this boy again!" Dawn looked up at her father and started to feel tears sting her eyes, "but papa he's my first friend I ever had!" Spot ran up behind Dawn and jumped up on her. "What-? Take the pig and let's go." Dawn picked up Spot before waving bye at Jack. Jack, for some reason, felt sick to his stomach and felt like crying. He still needed to sell that stupid cow.

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