A New Chapter

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Hugo POV

"Wake up Oliver, you'll be late for breakfast." I watched my twin brother sit up in bed and groan. "I don't see why it's such a big deal...we're just turning 18..." I shook my head and sighed, "You realize that father will be expecting us in about ten minutes and if we aren't ready by then, mother will get involved." Oliver jumped out of bed and quickly took off his nightwear, forcing himself into his daywear. "Okay- I'm ready, now what?" I smirked and chuckled, "I go back to sleep because if you look outside, it's still dark." I saw Oliver's face burn red as he glared at me, I just laid back in bed and laughed.

Oliver POV

I was mad but ignored Hugo as I laid back down. However, a few minutes later I heard our bedroom door open, "Hello...?" I looked up from my bed and there was Rose, she was only 12. "Hey, Rose... What are you doing up?" She quickly ran to my bed and sat down, "I can't sleep... Momma sang me to sleep but I woke up and now I can't sleep..." I smiled and put on my glasses as I picked her up. "Alright, come on... I'll take you to my workshop. I have something special that I have been making for you." Her face lit up and she hugged me as I carried her down the hall and stairs to the basement.

"Okay, don't touch anything, you could get hurt, alright?" I sat Rose down on a chair as I handed her a wooden doll. "Play with this until I'm ready to show you what I made for you." Rose smiled as I turned around to head deeper into my workshop.

A few minutes later I heard something clatter so I lifted my safety visor up as I turned to Rose, "Rose? Are you okay?" She giggled and I just smiled, rolling my eyes, "come on, I said not to touch anything..." I stood up and walked near the shop's entrance and froze, "oh...hello mother..." She was holding Rose and smiling, "what are you two doing up? Hm? What did I say about bringing her down here anyway?" I chuckled and shook my head, "She'll be fine...promise. Besides, I was finishing up my present for her. Here." I handed Rose a small tin box. She looked at it and shook it, "what does it do?" I smiled, "press the small button...right here," I pressed the small button for her, and the tin box opened to play a soft melody with our mother humming. "I call it, a recorder..." I looked up from Rose towards mom and I saw her tear up.

"Mother, don't cry... It's supposed to help her whenever she can't sleep and you aren't around..." I hugged her and then looked back at Rose, "do you think you could go to sleep now?" She nodded and giggled, making me smile. "That's really sweet, Oliver..." My mother then hugged me tightly, causing me to tense up. "Oh...sorry. I forgot about you and your..." "Nah, It's fine, mom...I love you..." I hugged her back and she squeezed me.

Dawn POV

The next morning, I woke up to find Jack's face directly in front of mine, him staring at me. "AAH-!!" I sat up quickly and accidentally hit his face. "OW-! God-! Damn that's....whoa!" I grabbed Jack's face and freaked out, "Oh Jack, did I break your nose? I hope not..." He smiled and then kissed my nose, causing me to smile, "I'm fine...a little sore, but you didn't break anything...promise." I exhaled a sigh of relief and kissed him. "Don't scare me like that..."

We both got ready and went into the dining room, "Happy Birthday you two!!" Oliver and Hugo looked up at me as I entered. "Thanks, mom..." Oliver said, picking at his food, "What's wrong? You aren't eating..." Oliver looked up at me as Jack went over to Hugo and put him in a headlock. "Mom...Luna has been acting strange. She has been avoiding the group and it's kind of worrying..." I furrowed my eyebrows and hugged him, "well, she does have Red for a mother, so you need to be patient with her...she may be going through the same changes that I had to whenever I was her age..." Oliver held his hand up, "no- don't talk about that...it's gross..." I laughed and held his hand, "I'm talking about curses... She may be transforming into a werewolf..."

Jack POV

When I entered the room and Dawn wished the twins 'Happy Birthday' I went over to Hugo, putting him in a headlock. "Dad! Hey! No fair, you caught me off guard!" I chuckled and Hugo pulled me down, causing me to drag him off of his seat. We ended up wrestling on the floor. "Jack! Hugo! No wrestling during breakfast!!" I immediately stood up and brushed off my suit while fixing my hair. "Sorry Mon Amour..." Dawn shook her head, "As much as you care about personal appearance, I never would have imagined that you would wrestle with your own child!" She laughed and then turned back to Oliver, leaving me and Hugo to sit at the table to eat.

Oliver POV

"Anyway... Mom, what do you think I should do? I could make her a small wolf statue..." She smiled and then kissed my forehead, "that would be a great idea." I smiled and then the dining room door burst open, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" I groaned, "hello Neil..." Merlin and Snow walked through the entrance and Ivy quickly followed. I watched Neil run up to Hugo and tackle him out of his chair. "Neil!!! Get off of me!!" "It's what you get for waking me up last night." Ivy came closer to me and waved, "Hey...Ivy..." I felt my face turn red as I smiled. "Hey, Oliver..." Rose walked in and when she saw Snow she ran to her. "Snow!" "Rose! Awe look at how big you've got!!"

A little later, Hans and Aurora came in with Phillip, and then Arthur with Luna and Red. They all had come to celebrate my and Hugo's 18th birthday... "Hugo!" "Arthur! Did you get me that new sword?" Arthur chuckled and then handed Hugo a big box, "I actually came to give you my special sword... Excalibar itself!" Merlin and the rest looked at Arthur, "Really!? You are giving up Excalibar?!" Arthur shed a tear, "Yeah, it's about time...my days of adventure are over..." Hugo's grin grew and Luna rolled her eyes. "I'm so glad I never got into swordsmanship... Magic is the way to go."

"Did someone order three uncles to a party?" "Three inventing uncles!" "In fact, I believe that's us!" My head looked at the door and I grinned, "Uncle Pino, Noki, and Kio!!" "Oliver!!!" They all said in synch as I got up to hug them. "We have some gifts for you." "But you have to wait-" "Until the party!" I nodded and hugged the three again.

Dawn POV

I sat with Snow, Aurora, Red, and Jack. "It's great that you all could come..." Snow smiled and then placed her hand on mine, "don't mention it... Merlin and I would never miss one of the twin's or Rose's birthdays, just like how you would never miss either of our children's!" I smiled and Aurora giggled, "You would never believe what Hans went through on the way here! He had us bake a whole cake! Not to mention how he baked 200 muffins, cookies, and donuts!" Red placed a hand on her stomach, "yeah...I'm starving so It's a good thing he did!" Jack laughed, "well, don't worry, none will go to waste, Hugo has been 'bulking up' because of the weight requirements for his sword classes..." I looked at Jack, "his what..?"

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