Curses and Fights

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On the eve of Princess Dawn's 18th birthday she woke up in the middle of the night, her head hurt and her body ached. When she went to her bathroom to splash her face with water she screamed, her entire body was covered in hair and her body was furry. She was a monster! "Oh my god-! What in the- I-" She didn't know what to do, she was confused and scared, this beast was her and she was horribly ugly. Belle ran into the room and almost dropped her candle. "Oh no- I didn't think the curse he had would affect you! It was broken!" Dawn froze and glared at her mother, "What curse!?"

Belle sighed and sat Dawn down, telling her the story of how she and Dawn's father met and how he was cursed with what Dawn now has. "So you're telling me that what my father had is now affecting me and I will die in a year if I don't fall in love and they love me back!?" Belle nodded solemnly and sighed, "I'm sorry...but it's true, Dawn." She put her hands on her daughter's face and smiled, "You'll be fine though, I know you'll be okay if I send you out into the're strong, be brave."

The next day, Dawn put on a big cloak and covered her face with it. As she walked to the castle gates, she started to tear up, knowing she'll have no way to break this stupid curse, happy birthday to me, she thought. "I want you to be careful, dear...don't get into too much trouble..." Dawn sighed and calmed herself down, her beast form disappearing. "Alright, mom...I'll be back as soon as I can...I promise." Dawn's father shook his head. "It's too early for you to be married, Dawn."

Dawn stopped walking and glared at her father, "I didn't ask to be turned into a beast, father! It's your fault I'm like this! Sometimes, I wish I was never your child." He chuckled and then crossed his arms, "really? Then don't return. I'm sorry but you have been getting into so much trouble since you were born and I can't stand it anymore!" Belle grabbed her husband by the ear and pulled him down, "enough! you love her and you know you do! Stop being so rude!" She turned to her daughter with a smile before waving her off again.

Hours go by and Dawn comes across a town being attacked by a dragon, she watches as 7 men attack the poor beast and then the woman they were trying to save. In the end, she thought that they deserve what was coming to them due to the fact they hurt the poor creature without understanding why it did what it did. She walked up to the wreckage and looked around, "Are you okay?" The green woman turned to Dawn and smiled, "yes, I am...thank you... Those men were so rude and just assumed I was a witch because of how I look-" Dawn understood what the fellow princess felt inside and smiled under the cloak, "I understand...I recently was passed my father's curse of being a beast...I have to kiss someone to break the curse...but the beast comes out randomly or when I'm not calm.."

The green Princess smiled and nodded at Dawn, "I honestly don't know what has gotten into men these days...they all are so...self-enchanted in their fantasies about beauty." Dawn laughed a bit and agreed with the Fairy before turning to the dragon. "Poor thing...I wish they hadn't hurt it as bad as they did..." Dawn remembered her little piglet and how he became a fully grown pig, but right when she thought about him, he hopped out of the basket she was wheeling around with her. "Spot? How did you-? "Aww! He is so adorable!" The fairy princess was petting Spot and fawning over him before Dawn could even react. "Oh- I guess he is haha...he used to be itty bitty- an old friend gave him to me...I never saw the guy after that though..."

The two princesses talked about their lives, the curses that Dawn had, and the ones the fairy put on others. Eventually, they both had to part ways and Dawn set off back out of the village with Spot trailing behind. A few minutes of walking led the two to a small cave where they spent the night, Dawn's beast form taking its shape as she woke up from the night's rest. Spot woke up next to her and yawned. "I guess I have to find some food..." She got up and walked out of the small cave to find a bush of sweet raspberries, strawberries, and other fruits that led up to a mountain that had veggies and other foods.

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